What if we rewrite the stars?

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Let me hold your hand while we walk in the night.
I tell you a secret, your smile is like the sun but your eyes are my stars.
How could I ever live without you? Without your voice and your laugh?
Tell me you won't go, promise me you'll never go.
I know, it is a big promise to make for you.
I would never leave you.
You make me smile when nobody else does.
What if we rewrite the stars?
Like in the song.
I want to rewrite the stars with you.
I don't wanna fall in love and I hope it will never happen.
But what if we rewrite the stars?
Like in the song...
What if we become the stars?
We would be brighter than the sun.

Humans will be envious of us, while we will be happier than anyone else.

-Bella X.

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