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"I'm tired" , I said.
"And?" , you answered.
I looked into your eyes looking for an answer to my problems.
"I need your help"  I told you.
You smiled and nodded and for a second, I thought you were gonna help me.
"I can't help you, darling" , darling?
"Why?", I asked crying.
"You know, I am tired too. I can't help you. Ask someone else" , someone else? I didn't want to ask someone else, I wanted your help.
"Please, I can't do it alone"
I was crying so many tears, but you didn't care. You looked me in the eyes like a stranger. No, a stranger would have probably cared more than you did.
"Listen, I will get better, I promise. I am sorry. I don't want to be left alone, don't leave" , even more tears.
"I can't help you" .
"Liar! You told me you cared about me but it was never true. Liar, liar, liar!" , I screamed, my heart was broken, my soul was shattered.
You never came back.
I kept thinking of you for days.
For days.
I waited for you, I tried to change myself for you.
But you never came back.
I'll always remember that day.
I'll always remember the day you left me alone with your lies.

-Bella X.

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