"That's not what you were saying last year," Richie reminded her.

"I thought you were 18! You lied to me, you creepy motherfucker," Amber exclaimed, attempting to push him away, but he proved to be stronger. "I blocked you for a reason, Richie! Leave me the hell alone."

"You know you'll always miss me, baby," Richie said. Amber felt sick upon hearing him call her that, and she instinctively covered her face, trying to distance herself from him.

Amber sniffed, and just as the door was pushed open, Richie immediately let go of her. Chad appeared in the doorway, and at first, he wasn't worried. However, when he saw Richie, his demeanor quickly changed to a protective stance.

"Amber, we were looking for you," Chad said, glaring at the grown man.

"Yeah, whatever," she replied, casting one last glance at Richie before walking out of the stairway and through the door.



Amber woke up in Tara's hospital bed, suddenly realizing that she had fallen asleep there after their conversation that night. They had talked for an hour before Tara asked Amber to lay in the bed with her, and they had cuddled until Amber drifted off to sleep. Time had passed without her realizing, and she was startled to see that it was 4 am when she woke up in the room.

"You okay, baby? You were whimpering in your sleep," Tara said, gently brushing her fingers through Amber's hair.

Amber nodded and rubbed her face, her mood shifting as she noticed Sam sleeping on the lounge chair and Richie sleeping on the window seat with his phone resting on his chest. A gulp escaped her, and Tara noticed the change in her demeanor.

Tara wanted to ask what was wrong, but she decided against it. As she prepared to go back to sleep, she noticed Amber getting out of bed and gathering her belongings. Amber didn't even attempt to explain why she wanted to leave so quickly; she simply did.

Tara understood that Amber disliked hospitals at night, but it seemed like the moment Amber saw Richie, she was ready to make her exit. Amber gave Tara one last kiss before walking out of the room.

"Tara? Are you okay? Why are you awake?" Sam's groggy voice reached Tara's ears.

Tara turned to her sister and let out a sigh. "I'm fine. Amber had to leave," she replied.

Sam nodded, standing up and stretching her body before approaching her younger sister. She kissed Tara on the top of her head. "Well, get some sleep. You're probably really tired," she suggested, then left the room to use the bathroom.

"Alright," Tara mumbled, her gaze fixed on Richie. Slowly, she began to back up on the bed, creating some distance between herself and him.


When Amber told Mindy and Chad about what Richie did to her, they gave her two different responses. Chad wanted to kill the bastard, while Mindy wanted to know if Tara knew. Of course, Tara didn't know. She had been unaware the whole time, only noticing that her girlfriend seemed less willing to hang out than usual.

But Amber had to get it off her chest, or she'd go insane. "Guys, please don't tell Tara. I don't want her to worry."

"Why not? Do you know what that douchebag did to you!" Chad shouted as he stood up from one of Amber's couches.

"Chad, I think she knows. She was literally there, dumbass. But that doesn't mean she isn't scared," Mindy turned to Amber, who just sighed.

Amber was usually the tough one in the friend group, which was unexpected since Chad was a literal football player. But she was a vulnerable 16-year-old. There was literally nothing she could do.

"I don't know what i'm gonna do guys, he so fucking creepy and manipulative. I feel actually weak."

Mindy looked at the girl with weary eyes before she pulled her into a hug, this was weird. Mindy was hugging Amber. They never hugged. They fought, mostly, they laughed about how stupid Chad and Wes are, they bond over Stab sometimes. But they've never hugged. "You're not weak, Amber. You were a teenage girl, and you still are a teenage girl."

How the fuck was she going to tell Tara?

i'm gonna do a part two to this later

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