I don't get jealous

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Katie sat at a small table in the bustling café, her fingers tapping impatiently against the surface. She watched as her girlfriend, Kat, and her friend, Roxy, engaged in animated conversation. They laughed freely, their smiles radiant, and it stirred an unfamiliar emotion within Katie.

Normally, Katie prided herself on her unshakeable confidence and self-assuredness. She never let jealousy taint her relationships or cloud her judgment. But today was different. Today, she found herself feeling an unsettling pang of insecurity.

She crossed her legs and leaned back in the chair, trying to maintain a semblance of nonchalance. However, her gaze flickered between Kat and Roxy, each playful interaction fueling her growing frustration. She stabbed her mocha with unnecessary force, the clinking of the spoon echoing her inner turmoil.

Kat, noticing the change in Katie's demeanor, furrowed her brows and leaned closer. "Babe, are you okay?" she asked, a hint of worry creeping into her voice.

Katie nodded curtly, her tone edged with annoyance. "Yeah, whatever," she muttered, as if dismissing Kat's concern. But deep down, she knew she couldn't hide her true feelings for long.

Kat let out a sigh, her gaze shifting back to Roxy. The sigh didn't go unnoticed by Katie, who now felt a surge of frustration building within her. She had clearly stated that she was fine, but deep down, she knew she was far from it. How could Kat not see through her façade?

Katie's mind raced with a mix of emotions—disappointment, confusion, and a tinge of hurt. She had always prided herself on being open and communicative with Kat, but in that moment, it felt as though her efforts were going unnoticed. She grumbled to herself, taking another sip of her mocha, the bitterness of the drink mirroring her internal state.

As Katie observed Kat and Roxy continuing their conversation, her frustration intensified. It seemed as though they were oblivious to her mounting discomfort, their focus solely on each other. It was as if she were an outsider, an uninvited guest in her own relationship.

The café buzzed with activity around them, the clinking of dishes and the murmurs of conversations blending into a cacophony that matched Katie's growing discontent. She longed for a moment of connection, for Kat to truly see and understand what she was going through.

Katie's thoughts spiraled, questioning the foundation of her relationship. Was she overreacting? Was her jealousy unwarranted? She grappled with these doubts, feeling a mix of guilt and self-doubt. But deep down, she knew that her feelings were valid, that they stemmed from a place of vulnerability and a desire to be seen and appreciated.

Lost in her own thoughts, Katie didn't realize that Kat and Roxy had fallen silent, their conversation interrupted by her noticeably disgruntled mood. They exchanged concerned glances, their confusion evident. Finally, Roxy spoke up, her voice filled with genuine care.

"Katie, are you sure you're okay? You seem really off today," she asked tentatively.

Kat watched in stunned silence as Katie abruptly stood up, leaving her drink untouched on the table. Her heart sank as she witnessed the intensity of Katie's emotions, evident in her swift departure. Uncertainty and worry filled Kat's mind as she grappled with what had just transpired.

The café suddenly felt colder, the once lively atmosphere now tinged with an uncomfortable tension. Kat's gaze lingered on the empty chair across from her, a stark reminder of the void that had opened up between them. She replayed their recent interactions in her mind, desperately searching for the root cause of Katie's distress.

Seconds turned into minutes as Kat anxiously waited for Katie's return. The weight of the silence pressed upon her, amplifying her own self-doubt. Had she been blind to Katie's feelings for too long? How could she have missed the signs of her girlfriend's growing dissatisfaction?

As the minutes ticked by, Kat's concern only deepened. She longed to comfort Katie, to bridge the emotional gap that had emerged between them. The uncertainty gnawed at her, fueling a mix of guilt and regret. She questioned whether she had unknowingly contributed to Katie's sudden departure, and if so, how she could make amends.

The clamor of the café patrons faded into the background as Kat's thoughts consumed her. She replayed their shared memories, the laughter and love that had once bound them together. The weight of the situation settled heavily on her shoulders, and she realized that action was needed.

With a determined resolve, Kat pushed herself away from the table, her steps deliberate as she made her way to the women's restroom. The door creaked open, revealing a dimly lit space. Her eyes scanned the room, searching for the familiar figure that had sought solace within its walls.

"Katie?" Kat called out softly, her voice filled with concern. She moved further into the restroom, her footsteps echoing against the tiled floor. The air was heavy with tension, and Kat's heart raced with anticipation.

In the far corner, she spotted Katie, hunched over the sink, her shoulders trembling with suppressed emotions. Kat's heart ached at the sight of her girlfriend in such distress. She approached cautiously, giving Katie the space she needed but making her presence known.

"Katie, please talk to me," Kat pleaded, her voice laced with a mix of regret and longing. She reached out tentatively, her hand hovering near Katie's back, offering support without imposing. "I didn't take you for the jealous type."

Katie turned, her eyes red and puffy, evidence of the tears she had shed. Her voice wavered as she finally found the strength to speak, her vulnerability shining through. "I. Am. Not. Jealous." She said, trying to sound serious.

"Yeah, sure." Kat sighed before pulling her girlfriend into a hug. 

Kat's voice carried a mix of determination and vulnerability as she gazed into Katie's eyes, her sincerity shining through. "Katie, I mean it. I love you with all my heart, and there's no one else I want to be with. You're the one who brings joy and fulfilment to my life. I want to be the person who supports you, understands you, and cherishes you. Please believe me."

Katie's scoff softened, and she locked eyes with Kat, searching for the truth in her words. After a moment of contemplation, her expression softened, and she let out a small sigh. "I... I want to believe you, Kat. But sometimes it feels like I'm not a priority in your life. Actions speak louder than words, you know?"

Kat nodded, understanding the weight of Katie's words. "You're right, Katie. I need to show you through my actions that you are a priority. I want to make it clear that you are loved and valued. Let's work on rebuilding the trust and connection between us, and I'll make a conscious effort to demonstrate my love for you every day."

Katie's guarded demeanor began to soften, her eyes reflecting a glimmer of hope. "I want to believe you too, Kat. I want us to find our way back to each other and create a stronger bond. But it will take effort from both of us."

Kat smiled, a genuine warmth spreading across her face. "I'm willing to put in the effort, Katie. Let's embark on this journey together, supporting and uplifting each other. Our love is worth fighting for."

Katie reached out, her hand gently cupping Kat's cheek. "I love you, Kat. Let's work through this and build a love that's stronger than ever."


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