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River walked into her bedroom, feeling a wave of exhaustion wash over her. It had been a challenging evening, with their daughter Jade taking hours to fall asleep. But finally, she had managed to get Jade settled, and now she could focus on her girlfriend, Mabel.

As River entered the room, she noticed Mabel snorting a white powder off the bed. A sigh escaped her lips as she closed the door behind her, making it clear that she disapproved of Mabel's actions. Despite her weariness, she mustered the strength to address the situation.

Mabel quickly wiped her nose and gave River a small, sheepish smile. She hurriedly moved the drugs out of sight, aware of the disappointment in River's eyes. "Hey, is she finally asleep?" Mabel asked, trying to change the subject.

River nodded, her expression a mix of concern and exhaustion. "Yeah, she finally drifted off. I don't know what's going on with her tonight. She usually doesn't take this long to fall asleep. But anyway, how are you doing?"

Setting aside her own frustrations for the moment, River climbed onto the bed beside Mabel, seeking comfort in her girlfriend's arms. Mabel held her close, sensing her tiredness and offering solace. River rested her head on Mabel's chest, finding a moment of respite.

"I'm just so tired," River confessed, her voice filled with weariness.

Mabel understood, her fingers gently working through the braids in River's hair, slowly starting to take them out. She spoke softly, her voice filled with empathy. "I know, babe. It's been a long day for both of us. Parenting can be challenging, and we all have our moments of exhaustion."

"I'm so grateful to have you here with me," River whispered, her voice filled with sincerity and affection. She leaned into Mabel's touch as her fingers continued to rhythmically brush through her hair, soothing her weary mind.

Mabel's laughter filled the room, a warm and joyful sound that brought a smile to River's face. "You better believe it, babe," Mabel playfully teased, her eyes sparkling with love. She gazed at River with adoration before leaning in to capture her lips in a gentle, tender kiss.

Their lips met, and in that simple act of connection, the weariness of the day began to fade away. The stresses and challenges melted into the background as their love took center stage. River felt a surge of warmth and comfort enveloping her as Mabel's lips moved against hers, a silent reassurance that they were in this together.

River nestled her head against Mabel's chest, finding comfort in the gentle rise and fall of her breath. Mabel's touch continued to soothe her, and River let out a contented sigh, feeling a sense of peace wash over her.

With a playful smirk, Mabel rubbed her hips against River's, eliciting a soft gasp from her lips. River's cheeks flushed, a mixture of surprise and amusement dancing across her face. She looked up at Mabel, her eyes sparkling with affection.

Mabel held River's shoulders, her gaze filled with mischief. "Why not?" she asked, her voice laced with playful seduction.

River couldn't help but chuckle, her heart fluttering at Mabel's teasing. She reached up to caress Mabel's cheek, her touch gentle yet filled with a hint of restraint. "As tempting as it sounds, babe, I think we should just stick to cuddling for now."

Mabel scrunched up her nose, pretending to pout, but a playful glimmer remained in her eyes. She pulled River closer, wrapping her arms around her and holding her tightly. "Whateves, Rivs," she said, her tone filled with playful acceptance.

River slowly opened her eyes, her senses gradually awakening to the darkness of the room. As she glanced at the clock, her heart skipped a beat. It was midnight, and she realized she was alone in bed. Concern washed over her as she heard faint sounds coming from Jade's room down the hall.

With a surge of worry, River swiftly got out of bed, her bare feet padding silently on the floor as she hurried towards Jade's room. As she reached the doorway, her eyes widened at the sight that greeted her.

There, on Jade's small bed, sat Mabel, holding a book in her hands, reading a bedtime story to their daughter. Jade's eyes were heavy with sleep, her small figure snuggled under the covers, listening intently to Mabel's soothing voice.

River's initial shock gave way to a mix of emotions. She felt a pang of sadness and hurt, realizing that Mabel had taken her place in Jade's bedtime routine. But at the same time, she couldn't deny the warmth and tenderness in the scene before her.

Mabel's gaze shifted, and she locked eyes with River. For a brief moment, the room fell into an uneasy silence. River's heart ached as she saw the surprise and guilt flicker across Mabel's face. Without a word, River turned on her heels and quietly retreated from the room, her emotions swirling within her.

Back in her own room, River closed the door behind her and leaned against it, her mind racing. Conflicting thoughts and emotions battled within her, making it difficult to find clarity. She couldn't help but feel a sense of loss, as if a part of her motherhood had been taken away from her.

But as she took a deep breath, she reminded herself that Mabel loved Jade just as deeply as she did. Perhaps Mabel had sensed River's exhaustion and had taken it upon herself to step in and provide comfort to their daughter. It was a gesture of love, even if it stung.

Resolving to address the situation with Mabel, River reminded herself of the importance of open communication in their relationship. She knew they needed to discuss their roles as parents, to find a balance that worked for both of them.

With newfound determination, River pushed herself away from the door and walked back to Jade's room. As she entered, she saw Mabel and Jade snuggled together, their eyes fluttering closed in the midst of the bedtime story. River approached them quietly, a soft smile tugging at her lips.

She climbed onto the bed, settling herself on the opposite side of Jade, and Mabel looked up, surprise mingling with relief in her eyes. River reached out, her fingers gently brushing against Mabel's arm, seeking connection.

"Thank you for reading to her, Mabel," River said softly, her voice filled with both gratitude and vulnerability. "I appreciate your love and care for Jade."

Mabel's expression softened, her fingers intertwined with River's. "I love her, River. And I love you too. I'm sorry if I overstepped. I just wanted to help."

River nodded, her eyes filled with understanding. "No you didn't Mabel, I'm happy you helped her get back to bed. You're an amazing girlfriend and step-mom and i'm happy that jade loves you as much as I do."

Mabel's eyes softened, a gentle smile gracing her lips as she reached out, tenderly taking hold of River's arm. Leaning her head down onto it, she let out a contented sigh, feeling the warmth of their connection.

"Hm, I love you too," Mabel whispered, her voice filled with sincerity and affection. In that moment, as she nestled against River's arm, she felt a profound sense of gratitude for the love they shared.

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