Lock down

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Vada's footsteps echoed through the empty school halls as she made her way towards her locker. The day had been dragging on, leaving her feeling restless and longing for a change of scenery. Finally, she found a moment to slip away to the bathroom, but not before checking in on her sister, who needed her support.

After their brief conversation, Vada sought solace in the digital world, opening up Instagram on her phone. A mix of emotions washed over her as she scrolled through images of her girlfriend, Max, enjoying her time in Chicago. The vibrant moments captured in those photos contrasted with the monotony of Vada's day, intensifying her longing for connection.

As Vada entered the bathroom, she sought refuge in the privacy of a stall. The silence enveloped her as she contemplated the state of her relationship with Max. It had been a while since they last spoke, ever since Max had embarked on her own journey in Chicago. Vada couldn't help but feel a sense of abandonment, even though they still maintained sporadic communication.

Feeling a surge of longing, Vada made a decision. She pulled out her phone, her fingers trembling slightly as she dialed Max's number. The phone rang, each chime heightening her anticipation, until a familiar voice finally answered.

"Hello?" Max's voice came through, warm and comforting, despite the physical distance between them.

"Hey," Vada replied, a subtle smile gracing her lips, even though Max couldn't see it. The sound of Max's voice washed over her, bringing a sense of familiarity and reassurance.

"Vada? Hi, baby. How are you?" Max's voice held a mixture of excitement and concern on the other end of the line, as she shifted onto her bed in the apartment she was staying in.

"I'm fine," Vada sighed, finding comfort in the sound of Max's voice. She lowered herself onto one knee, her hand absentmindedly twirling a strand of hair. "I just wanted to hear your voice, you know?"

"Aww, that's cute, V," Max responded, her tone filled with affection and understanding. The distance between them melted away as their connection grew stronger through the phone line.

"Yeah, I really missed you, Max. When are you coming back home to visit? I want to see you," Vada expressed, her voice tinged with longing and a hint of vulnerability.

Max's response carried a mix of hesitation and excitement. "Uh, you know, Vada, I was actually thinking of staying in Chicago longer than expected. This place is just so captivating, and I'm having a lot of fun," Max explained, a chuckle escaping her lips. "But babe, please know that I love you and I do want to see you. It's just that I'm really enjoying my time in Chicago."

Vada felt a pang of disappointment, her heart sinking at the thought of Max's extended absence. However, she recognized the importance of supporting Max's dreams and passions, even if it meant putting her own desires on hold. Taking a deep breath, she mustered the strength to respond.

"Yeah, yeah, I understand," Vada replied, her voice filled with a mix of genuine understanding and a hint of masked disappointment.

"Well, Vada, I lo--" Max's words were abruptly cut off by a jarring noise that pierced the air. Vada's head snapped up from her lap, her heart pounding in her chest. Silence enveloped the bathroom as a sense of unease settled over her.

Max's voice trembled with concern as she asked, "Was that a gun?"

"I don't kn--" Vada began to respond, but her words trailed off as the sound echoed once again, unmistakably resembling a gunshot. Panic gripped her, and instinctively, she rushed to lock the stall door, her movements fueled by a surge of adrenaline. With trembling hands, she climbed onto the toilet seat, seeking some semblance of safety and a better vantage point.

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