my lightness

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Kat was a new girl in school, and she literally hated everything. And there was a good reason for this: her best friend, Cy, whom she had known since junior year, had been involved in a devastating car accident with his mother. Ever since that tragic day, Kat had been living in her own world, consumed by grief and pain.

Her parents, recognizing her need for a fresh start, decided to uproot their lives and move to Santa Clarita, California. "Fucking California," Kat thought bitterly, resenting the idea of starting school a month into the academic year and blaming her parents for taking forever to find a house.

As Kat stepped foot into her new school, she couldn't help but notice the vibrant energy that seemed to emanate from every corner. The hallways were filled with laughter, chatter, and the hustle and bustle of teenage life. It was a stark contrast to the darkness that had consumed her for so long.

Feeling overwhelmed, Kat found solace in solitude. She would often retreat to the quietest corners of the school, seeking refuge from the unfamiliar faces and the weight of her own sadness. It was during one of these moments of isolation that she first encountered Katie.

Katie was a ray of sunshine in Kat's world of darkness. She exuded joy, kindness, and sweetness in everything she did. Their paths crossed unexpectedly one day when Kat found herself lost in the labyrinthine hallways. As she stood there, feeling disoriented and alone, a gentle voice called out to her.

"Hey, are you lost?" Katie asked, her voice filled with genuine concern. Kat turned to face her, taking in the girl's warm smile and sparkling eyes. It was as if a small glimmer of hope had found its way into her heart.

"Oh, uh, kinda," Kat replied, sighing as she crossed her arms and looked at the Latina girl with a not-so-polite expression. Despite her initial standoffishness, her voice remained calm.

"Well, I'm Katie. I can help you around if you need it." Katie's words were accompanied by a reassuring smile, a genuine offer of friendship. In that moment, something stirred within Kat. She felt a strong urge to protect this small, joyful girl who seemed to radiate light in the midst of her own darkness.

As days turned into weeks, Kat and Katie's friendship blossomed. They became inseparable, their bond growing stronger with each passing day. Katie's unwavering positivity and genuine care began to chip away at the walls Kat had built around herself. She found herself opening up, sharing her pain and struggles, and Katie listened with empathy and understanding.

Kat discovered that Katie had her own share of challenges, but she faced them with resilience and an unwavering spirit. Together, they navigated the ups and downs of high school life, supporting each other through thick and thin.

Kat's protective instincts kicked into overdrive as she witnessed Katie's kindness being taken advantage of by others. She became Katie's fiercest defender, stepping in whenever someone tried to hurt or belittle her. No matter what obstacles they faced, Kat was determined to shield Katie from harm and ensure that her light continued to shine brightly.

At some point, Katie even kissed Kat at a party they went to, she was sober but also drunk, after that night they became a couple. Which, caused Kat to get more protective than she already was. Like, if someone was to come up to Katie and asked for something Kat would give them a death stare. Or when someone would miss treat Katie, she would make them regret that. And when Kat finally met Katie's parents and siblings. They actually liked her.

But, sometimes Katie thought the protectiveness was overbearing. But she allowed it because she loved the girl. 

"so what's with you?" Katie asked as she laid beside Kat on her bed wrapping around the taller girls body. The room was so silent that the only thing you could hear was the sound of the girlfriends breathing. "I wanna know, before we met. Or whatever, you were known for the broody mean new girl."

Kat shifted slightly, feeling the warmth of Katie's body against her own. She took a deep breath, contemplating how much she should reveal. Opening up about her past wasn't something she did easily, but she knew Katie deserved to know the truth.

"I guess I was just lost," Kat began, her voice tinged with vulnerability. "After the accident, I couldn't make sense of the world anymore. It felt like everything I loved was taken away from me, and I was left with this overwhelming darkness. I didn't know how to cope, so I shut myself off from everyone."

She paused, her fingers absentmindedly tracing patterns on Katie's arm. "Being the 'broody mean girl' was my defense mechanism. I pushed people away before they had the chance to hurt me. It was easier to be angry and distant than to let anyone see the pain I was carrying inside."

"But then you came along," Kat continued, her voice softening. "You showed me kindness and acceptance when I least expected it. You saw through my walls and reached out to me. And I realized that there was still light in the world, even in my darkest moments."

Kat turned her head to meet Katie's gaze, her eyes filled with sincerity. "I became protective because I couldn't bear the thought of losing someone like you. You brought joy back into my life, and I wanted to shield you from any pain or harm. I know it can be overbearing at times, and I'm sorry if it feels that way. But I love you, Katie, and I can't imagine my life without you."

Katie's expression softened, her fingers gently caressing Kat's cheek. "I love you too, Kat."

As Katie and Kat's relationship deepened, their love became a source of light and happiness for both of them. Kat found solace in Katie's unwavering support and unwrapped layers of her own darkness, allowing the warmth of their connection to fill the void within her.

In Katie, Kat discovered a safe haven—a place where she could be herself, free from judgment or fear. Their love became a sanctuary, where laughter and joy replaced the shadows of her past. With each passing day, Kat felt her heart grow lighter, her smile more genuine, and her outlook on life brighter.

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