Kyrell's dream

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A bloodcurling cry pieced the night sky. Kyrell shuddered. Where did it came from? He couldn't see anything, it was too dark.

Then he saw a glimmer of light in front of him, but it couldn't be the sun or moon. The light seemed to be dancing.

He opened his wings and flew towards it, as if something pulled him closer. The cry sounded again, but quieter than before and longer. It sounded like...

His wings flapped up and down as fast as he could. If someone needed his help, then there was no time to lose.

As he came closer he realised the dancing light were flames of a big fire. Did a house catch fire and the residents where trapped inside? Lots of people were surrounding the fire, but no one seemed to extinguish it. There were all just looking, nobody was moving, neither helping nor running away.

Then he took a closer look at the fire, it seemed to be intentional, like a gigantic fire place and in the flames he saw a figure. Another cry reached his ears. He was so close that he could feel the heat of the fire, the flames nearly touching his feathers.

Pure shock ran through his body and he forgot how to fly for a moment, catching himself at the last second, as he recognized the face in the flames. A familiar face. Cybele.

With a shriek he woke up, staring at the night sky. His heart was thumping and he thought to still feel the heat of the fire, burning him and Cybele alive, but it was only the blood rushing through his veines and Asha's warm body next to his.

It was only a dream, he tried to convince him, but he couldn't shake off the feeling anymore that his dreams where a warning. Hopefully Cybele was still save and they would find her in time. Otherwise, he didn't want to imagine, but he didn't need to thanks to his dream.

He couldn't sleep for a long while after that in fear of another nightmare.


chapter: 347 words
in total: 15.629 words

That's one real nightmare, right? :'D

Poor Kyrell...

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