1. Asha

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When the night ends and the day begins, the birds exchange their last and first songs, the stars and moon fade only for a new sun to be born. When everyone else was still asleep and the only noise was the crackling of the remaining firewood, this was the time Asha loved most.

After a long night wandering the roofs of the town she stretched out on the windowsill and curled up into a ball, waiting for the first sunbeams to warm her black fur. There was no annoying crow to pull at her tail or scream in her ear, only peace and quiet. She knew it wouldn't last long and so she savored every second of it.

Soon Cybele, her witch, would wake up to fan the dying flames and prepare dough for whatever she would bake next. Then Kyrell would come flying down from his nest on the roof through the window that was always left open for them and annoy her with questions about her night trip. Like every time she would tell him to join her if he really wanted to know. She knew that he wouldn't. As a crow he wasn't a nocturnal bird, but that wasn't the only reason he never followed her on her nightly adventures.

She was lying in her favorite place, the sun was warming her back, but she still felt an unusual sort of coldness, a kind of unease. Something was not as it should be. Something was missing, being only half awake she couldn't say what exactly. Everything was silent.

The morning stretched and the sun began to wander through the room. She heard the familiar sound of flapping wings and felt a soft wind blow her fur when he landed next to her. He was here, at least. Not that she was happy about that, of course.

"Asha? Asha, wake up!" His croaky voice right next to her ear really wasn't the first thing she wanted to hear in the morning. Knowing he would annoy her even more if she pretented to sleep she opened her eyes.

Kyrell looked as always, although on second glance his gray feathers seemed a little more fluffed up than usual and the look in his eyes seemed darker. Did he have a nightmare again?

As she glanced behind him she saw the dark fireplace, all the flames had died and not even a single spark remained. That would explain the unusual coldness in the room, but Cybele would never let the fire go out. There was also no clinking and humming coming from the kitchen.

Just as the thought popped up in her head, Kyrell said it out load: "Cybele is not here, I looked everywhere for her. Do you know where she is?" He looked like an abandoned puppy, pathetic but kind of cute too, just a little bit. Not that she would ever admit that.

While sitting up and licking her paw she remembered what Cybele told her yesterday. "I know where she is, you don't need to worry. She will be gone for a week at most."


The day before

"Do you really have to go? Alone?" The sun had already set when Asha watched Cybele pack her bag with food, potions and whatever else she needed. Kyrell was already in his nest, probably asleep.

With a soft smile Cybele patted her head, only she was allowed to do that. A little purr came out of Asha's throat. Even though she didn't know it would be the last for a long time, she savored the touch of Cybeles warm hand.

"You know I have to fly there and I know how much you hate flying. I could take Kyrell with me, but then you would be all alone and I don't want you to be lonely." As if she needed the company of the crow, she would rather be alone than to be stuck with him. Cybele was the one afraid to be on her own, but she would never admit it.

Instead she asked: "Fine, how long will you be gone?" The witch assured her that she would only be gone for a few days, a week at most. Flying all the way would only take around a day, two to get back, but she would only fly at night and travel on foot by day.

Before leaving, Cybele added with a mysterious smile: "I'm going to meet someone now who's going to take care of you two. So be nice and get along!"

Asha wanted to protest that she didn't need a "catsitter", but on second thought it wouldn't be that bad to have a "crowsitter". Who knew what trouble that stupid bird could cause if he was left unsupervised.

Slipping out the window she followed Cybele with her eyes as the witch made her way to town on the moonlit path. She felt a sense of unease, her seventh sense tingled as she lost sight of her. Asha wanted to follow her, but didn't and instead kept sitting on the windowsill till the moon was at his highest point.



"So, where is she?", Kyrell demanded to know while flapping his wings in Asha's face. She hissed and punched at him with retracted claws. He backed away a few inches, tilting his head to the side and looking at her with his dark brown eyes.

Giving in to his pleading stare and before he could ask the same question again, she told him: "Every four years there's a big meeting where all kinds of witches exchange their tools, creations and knowlegde. Attending is very important to her, but you wouldn't know that. The last time you were a hatchling and she didn't go because she couldn't leave you alone."

It seemed like Kyrell was lost for words, letting the silence stretch for a moment. "But..." Even though he didn't finish his sentence, Asha could guess what he wanted to say. But why didn't she at least tell me and say goodbye? 

Asha could understand him, but also Cybele's reasons. If she had told him beforehand, he wouldn't had let her go and it would have made the goodbye that much harder.

"There's a possibility we won't be alone the next few days afterall", she tried to distract him. The sad look in Kyrell's eyes shifted to a more curious one.

Before she could say more, she heard the familiar click of the doorknob and the squeaking of the door hinges as someone opened the front door. A shadow appeared in the door frame.

"It seems like he's here already."


chapter: 1103 words
in total: 2110 words

First milestone complete!

What are your first impressions of Asha and Kyrell, as well as Cybele?

As you can probably guess, the mysterious boy will appear in the next chapter. ^^

Hope you enjoyed reading so far and don't hesitate to comment anything on your mind (as long as it's no hate)!

The Familiars of the Lost Witch (ONC 2024)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz