20. Asha

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"So, the reason behind the villagers hate against us is an illness their animals have?", Merletta asked with a confused look.

"Yes, many died suddenly and they don't know what causes it. They couldn't find out the reason and so they concluded that someone must have cursed them and that's why they died", he let them know what the smith had told him. "At least the witch hunter made them believe that."

"Maybe if we can find out what really caused the illness and find a cure, everything will be solved", Merletta exclaimed hopefully.

Dhana looked hopeful too, but then shook her head in response. "It won't be that easy. What if we can't find a cure and more animals die? Then they will have their proof that we are responsible and that we cursed them, however silly that is. No witch would bring harm to animals."

"And if we examine them without the villagers knowing and find a cure, they could suspect us to have caused it too", Astoria added thoughfully. "They would think we simply removed the curse."

Eitherway they had to do something. Just sitting there didn't make the problem magically disappear.

"How about we get our brooms and other belongings before making another decision? Then we could easily fly away if something happened", Lunette suggested.

They all agreed on the plan. Cybele, Astoria, Lunette, the boy, Asha and Kyrell would sneak inside the village after sunset and get the belongings of the witches. Merletta and Dhana would stay in the clearing, the younger one helping the other with looking through medicine books to find out more about illnesses affecting animals.

The way from the clearing to the village was longer than the one from Cybele's home to the marktplace of Jericho. Asha was tired of going back and forth so often and missing her peaceful life. Hopefully they would be able to solve this problem quickly and go back home.

The boy lead the others to the building where they had been earlier, avoiding the big street and instead wandering through the smaller alleys.

Asha followed them too, but her ears picked up a faint sound coming from a dark alleyway to her right. She stopped and let the others walk ahead, signaling Cybele that she would follow soon.

She followed the sound, trying to find the source with her eyes and ears. It sounded like someone coughing, like they had a problem with breathing.

As she sneaked deeper into the alley, she spotted a big orange male cat crouching and breathing heavily. At first glance it looked like he was trying to cough up a furball, but then she saw how glassy his eyes where. He didn't smell good either. There was no doubt that he was very ill.

Alarmed she took a step backwards. "Wait here, I'm right back." She turned around and ran as fast as she could back to the others.

"There's a cat, he's probably infected with the illness and will die if we don't help him", she gasped as soon as she reached them.

Cybele didn't even hesitate, she just said to the others: "You try to get our things without me, I will get the cat and we'll meet again at the clearing." Then she whistled, the signal for Kyrell to come down. "You will fly ahead to Dhana and let her know that we have a patient for her." He just nodded and flew back up.

Asha knew that he really didn't like flying in the night, much less alone through a creepy forest, but his fear wasn't big enough to hinder him from saving a life. They could count on him.

Asha rushed back to the other cat, Cybele behind her. The orange cat was still in the same spot she had left him, but now he lied on the side, his breathing even more shallow. The coughing had stopped, but now he was shivering.

Cybele wraped the cat in her cape and lifted him up. "We'll help you", she soothingly said, holding him tight in her arms. The cat didn't even protest, he seemed very weak.

Asha hoped with all her heart that they could rescue him. She never wanted to see another cat die again, especially not in the hands of her friend.

They hurried back as fast as they could without shaking the sick cat too much. Hopefully Dhana had found something to help him already, Asha didn't know how much time they had left.

It took way to long for them to get out of the village and cross the fields. They would be even slower in the forest while Cybele would need to be extra careful not to stumble over roots in the dark.

Just as they reached the beginning of the forest, a whistle let them stop and turn around. "Need some help?", Astoria called out to them, flying on her broom. She landed next to them.

"Yes, please take him to Dhana as fast as you can", Cybele said, handing over the wrapped up cat.

Astoria nodded, looking serious. "That poor cat. You can count on me, I'll be as fast a lightning", she let them know while already lifting up, the cat in one arm, holding on to her broom with only one hand.

Asha watched them until they disappeared from her view. Flying above the forest to the clearing was a lot faster than walking, the cat still had a chance of making it out alive.

"We can't do anything now", Cybele sighed, "only hope that we weren't too late." That was what Asha hated the most, when things were out of her control.

In her worry for the other cat, one thought popped up. "What is with the boy and Lunette? Shouldn't you help them?", she asked Cybele.

"I think they can manage on their own and I'm sure you want to get back to Dhana and the cat as fast a possible, right?" Of course she was right and Asha hadn't really wanted to return to the village to get the others and then go back again.

It still took them way to long to reach the clearing and Asha was very glad that Astoria had come just at the right moment to take the cat with her.

As they finally got there, Merletta and Astoria were sitting on a tree log before the fire. "Dhana is treating the cat in her hut, she said we should keep out", Merletta let them know as soon as she saw Cybele and Asha. "She said he's in critical condition, but she can treat him. He was lucky that you found him, Asha, he came here right on time."

Those were good news. If Dhana could treat him, he would recover, hopefully. Now they needed to wait.

Cybele sat down next to the other witches, telling them how Asha found the cat. Asha herself didn't say a word, she was too anxious and just sat there, staring at the entrance to Dhana's hut.


chapter: 1174 words
in total: 22.975 words

Poor cat, right? :o

I'm sorry that I "invented" a deadly illness for animals. I thought really hard about it and sadly it was the only thing I could really work with. ^^"

But you don't need to be scared, Dhana and the other witches are here to help now! ;D

The Familiars of the Lost Witch (ONC 2024)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz