(22) I'm Sorry

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A week later,

Lia and the girls had just finished weight lifting as the boys were about to come in. Bucky saw that Lia was alone. 

"Hey Lia can I talk to you?" He said 

"What do you want?" She said 

"I want to apologize to you for how I acted towards you. I'm sorry Lia I was a jerk." He said 

"I don't care." She said 

"Would like to go to dinner with me?" He said 

"No I would not." She said 

"Lia please, what can I do to prove to you that I'm sorry." He said 

"There is nothing you can do to prove to me that you are sorry." She said 

"Can we start over?" He said 

"No we can't! Your first impression is all I needed to know about you. You are a jerk a player and a bully. You are only apologizing to save face so please leave me alone." She said 

"It isn't like that Lia." He said as a lump in his throat begins to form. 

"I don't care if you are the last man on earth I will not go on a date with you." She said as she got in her car and left. 

Bucky wiped a few tears as he started to walk into the the gym defeated. Janiva saw the whole thing and saw the tears. 

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