(10) Sophomore Yr Begins/New Girl Alert

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Sophomore year was about to begin, Janiva was getting settled into her sophomore dorm when there was a knock.

"Ms Barnes, you have a room mate." The sophomore RA said

"I do?" She said 

"Yes, meet Amelia Sanders. She was a last minute admissions." The RA said as Lia walked in. 

"Hi you can call me Lia most people do." She said with a smile. 

"Janiva Barnes, some people call me Jan or Niva. Dad calls me Janie." Janiva said 

Lia smiled at her, "Nice to meet you Jan." She said 

Janiva helped Lia get settled into her area when Bobbi Lena and Carol came in. They all started chatting and getting to know the new girl. Then the topic of soccer came up over pizza they ordered. 

"Jan use to play..but she doesn't anymore." Bobbi said 

"Why don't you play anymore?" Lia said 

"Cause I play tennis now.." Janiva said 

"Why? Did you get hurt?" Lia said 

Janiva looked down. 

"Because her twin brother is a asshole. He plays soccer too" Lena said 

"You have a twin brother? I thought most twins are super close. My brothers and I are very close. What did he do?" Lia said 

Janiva wiped away a tear, "We use to be close, until the 7th grade when he walked into my room one morning and said he doesn't want people knowing we are twins and that I'm a nerd and a cry baby." Janiva said 

Lia let out a gasp, "Oh no! Did you smack him? If one of my brothers said that to me I would smack him in the face. I think you should tryout tomorrow with us and if he has something to say I will let him know where he can shove his soccer ball." Lia said which made them all laugh. 

"Lia I-cant. He calls my friends nerds too he acts like anyone like me is a nerd." Janiva said 

"Yes you can! He has no right to make you feel like you can't play soccer just because he plays too. So tomorrow you are going to come with us and tryout." Lia said 

"Finally we have some back up Lena." Bobbi said 

"Hellz yeah." Lena said 

They enjoyed the rest of their night until curfew and went to bed. 

The next morning after breakfast, Lia went to soccer tryouts with Lia and the girls. They all made the team. Sam and Bucky were named co-captains at their practice and Nat and Wanda were named co-captains at the cheer practice. 

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