(12) Bullying The New Girl

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Two weeks later,

Bucky and his crew saw Lia Janiva and their crew at lunch. 

"Hey nerds.." Bucky said 

"Hey assholes." Lia said with a smile 

They just ignored her while they walked away. 

A little later in the day, they saw them together again. 

"Oh look it's the nerds." Bucky said which made his crew laugh. 

"Oh look it's the arrogant assholes. Why don't you all go bother someone else we are studying here." Lia said as they walked away. 

Later that night Nat came into her dorm to see Lena packing. 

"What are you doing?" Nat said 

"Im moving out." Lena said 

"Why?" Nat said 

"Because I'm so sick of you and your dumbass friends. You don't act like that unless you around them then I'm some joke to you like Bucky treats Janiva. So I'm outta here." She said and left to move in with Bobbi and Carol. 

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