(7) Making The Teams

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It was team tryout day at St Peter's Academy, Janiva went to tennis tryouts while Bucky and the boys went to soccer tryouts. Bobbi Carol and Lena went to the girls soccer tryouts. While the rest of the girls went to cheer tryouts. 

They all made the teams they tried out for. Lena came over to Janiva who was done before anyone. 

"Where were you?" Lena said 

"I was at tennis tryouts." Janiva said 

"Why? You are so good at soccer." Bobbi said 

"Bobs don't. You all know why." Janiva said 

"You shouldn't let your own brother bully you to the point that you quit something. You are just as good as him." Carol said 

"Girls he doesn't want me to be associated with him. I'm giving him what he wants..he doesn't care about my feelings." She said 

"We miss you though. Soccer just isn't the same anymore." Lena said 

The boys came out of their tryouts, and all the girls in vicinity started staring at the shirtless sweaty boys walking. Janiva just rolled her eyes when they did and got in Winnie's car. 

Bucky got in a few minutes later, "What's up nerd?" He said 

Janiva just rolled her eyes as she looked out the window. 

"James I told you to stop that." Winnie said as she started to back out of the parking spot. 

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