Class fight (Chapter 26)

Start from the beginning

-Time skip-


(Soviet's POV)

Well this was fun, I was making food for Third and Weimar when I heard the door open it was them. I let Third and Weimar in giving them their food, Third asked about Courtney and I told him that she is upstairs working on her schoolwork. Weimar finished his meal first and then went upstairs to check on her. I washed the plates and went to the couch, I opend a book until I heard footsteps running down. I looked up and saw Weimar holding in his laughter, he was holding his camera and his other hand was over his mouth.

"What's so funny?" I asked

He couldn't say anything but handed me his camera. I opened it and saw a picture of my father on a bed, he was hugging someone. Then it hit me, I know who that is. I got up from the couch and went upstairs, Courtney's door was opend and I peaked my head to the side. There I saw the most funniest thing ever, my father was asleep while hugging Courtney like it's his pillows. I know that Rectangle sees Courtney as his own kid, but never my father. Man if Rectangle knows about this he will deffintaly kill my father, but the thought of Courtney being my little sister is not bad. She is kind and is always unexpected, and doing the things no others would do, that is what I like about her. I closed the door and went down stairs, I met Weimar's eyes and we started dying of laughter.

"We, *Wheeze* we have to show this to Rectangle." I couldn't stop

" Agreed, your father is going to get beat up." chuckled Weimar

"I would love to see that."

We talked around and Third also joined in, we didn't tell him about my father and Courtney. Soon not even 10 minutes the others came in, I spotted Rectangle walkng behind G.E

"Where is R.E?" asked A.E "We have been trying to find him for sometimes now."

I looked at Rectangle and spoke up.

"Try checking in Courtney's room." I giggled

Rectangle snapped his head toward me and I gestured upstairs. I saw anger in his eyes as his face darken, in a flash he went upstairs. The others doesn't know why he was acting all creepy now and why Rectangle and my father doesn't like eachother. Soon I heard Rectangle's footsteps coming down, he was carrying Courtney in his arms. His face was happy, not that I could see it but I know he was. He sat on the chair and messed with her hair, then Choco came down also, man she never left Courtney's side execpt when she went to school. Courtney suddenly woke up and noticed that she was in Rectangles arms, I watched as she looked up to him and smiled. Her smile is so sweet and warm, no wonder why Rectangle was being nice to her. She is too sweet, and kind.

"I guess I fell asleep while R.E was helping me on my homework." chuckled Courtney.

"Why didn't you ask me?" Rectangle seemed to be hurt.

"Because he was just walking by and I asked him the questions." said Courtney

Speaking about my father, I saw him coming down the stairs. His hand fummbled his hair ( you can imagine them having hair or not). Rectangle glared at him for a moment before his attention was stolen by Courtney, she got out of his hold. R.E saw her and they sticked up a short conversation, she thanked him for helping her on her school work. My father looked happy, I don't see him smile often. Rectangle was giving him a death glare, he didn't move I don't even think he is binking. My father and Courtney's conversation was soon over and Rectangle stopped giving my father the death eyes. This is going to be tough for Courtney if she finds out.


(Courtney's POV)

In a blink of an eye it was dinner time, the day gone fast. We seated around and the chefs came out and placed our food infront of us. I thanked the cook who made it for me and digged in, it was way better than the school lunch. I thank Azreal for giving me sushi, he hasn't been talking to me he must be busy. Dinner was the same, people talk and everyone wondered how our school day was. I didn't want to tell them that I watched a boy eat wasabi and I didn't make any friend.

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