Bet (Chapter 12)

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(Courtney's POV) 

We are playing Texas get'em, lets go I am great at that game. G.E started to shuffle the cards while Prussia passed out chips to everyone. I sat bettween A.E and Ottoman, Prussia infront of me, Brtian across from the left and Bugularia across from me to the right. The game started and everyone put in a chip ($1), I have a good pair a King and a 6 heart. We played about 21 or more rounds, Prussia won 4 times, Ottoman won 2 times, France won 1 time and so did Britian and Luxembourge, America won 0 times (Poor him), R.E won 3 times, A.E and Bulgaria both also won 2 times Ottoman won 3 times. and I tied with Prussia wining 4 times. Around the 5th game everyone at least have a bottle of booze or liquor in hand while playing, Prussia didn't allow me to get a bottle, not even a beer. During the game Luxembrouge passed me a bottle without letting Prussia notice us. The cap was already off and I thanked him silently and started to drink some, none of the countries noticed expect for the two of us and G.E who was watching him passing one to me. At the last round I won putting one win infront of Prussia, I stood up and chugged the remaing liquor in the bottle, ofcourse everyone saw me and boy Prussia was mad. He learned from his son that Luxembrouge was the one that passed me the bottle, a few countries scolded him for giving a child a bottle. Prussia started to chase after me because I got another bottle and wouldn't give it to him, he chased me around the table. Otto and Bulgaria were laughing their ass off, as they watch me trying to get away from Prussia. America, France and Britian were the ones scolding Luxembrouge while G.E was having a conversation with Austria-Hungary and A.E.    

(Picture of these three Empires)

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(Picture of these three Empires)

I used R.E as a human sheild like what Erick used to do to me when ever he was scared, I really missed him. Prussia went up to R.E to try to get me, and he would chase me in circles around R.E. He was tried of runing around so he asked the Russian country to help him, I looked at him and saw him smile really creepy, thats my call to go. Before he could grab me I ducked under the table and got out the other side, the two countries seperated and walked round the table. A.E sided with the two and stayed behind incase I decied to run under the table again. I ran to G.E and hid behind him, asking him not to turn me in and unlike R.E he nodded and sided with me. The others were surrpirsed with G.E's action but still tried to get me, G.E blocked R.E and A.E from reaching toward me. I noticed that he now have a rectangle shaped head instead of a circular head with a piece of paper stuck onto his face. I told him that he have a cool feature an I swear I thought he smiled, G.E was doing a great job at blocking the two countries. Prussia called the others, but Luxembroug didn't join because he's also on my side. He helped to block France from reaching me he tried to also block America, but France was making it hard for him. G.E doesn't have enough hands to hold off all 7 countries, I tried to help but there's nothing I could do. I noticed something was coming out of G.E's back, I saw muitple black tentacles coming out from his suit. The tentacles wrapped around the countries that he couldn't hold off and lifted them of the ground, Bulgaria was teriffied of heights I took a note of that. I sensed something was off, everyone was begain to become worried even Luxembrouge and France lookedn scared. I stepped out behind G.E and looked up to see his face, his face was cracked open, he had rows of sharp black teeth that connects to his mouth. To be honest I freaked out for a bit, Prussia was the only one that was calm. G.E doesn't seem to be himself, one of his tentacle arm wrapped around my waist and lifted me up, I tried to pray it off me but he gripped on tighter. What triggered him to become like this, he pulled me closer to him, I finally realized how tall he his standing around 7 ft. 

"Das reicht, Rechteck, du machst dem armen Kind Angst." (That's enough, Rectangle, you're scaring the poor kid.) yelled Prussia.

Rectangle? I thought his name was G.E. Rectangle looked at Prussia his eyes (which is just two dots) was staring at him, are they communicating.

"Nein, ich erinnere mich nicht an sie, bring G.E jetzt zurück." (No, I don't remember her, bring G.E back now.) commanded Prussia.

So they are not the same person got it, Rectangle is the evil entity that is stuck with G.E, noted. I was soon set down with the other countries. Rectangle was staring at me and I sensed it, I polietly asked him to stop staring at me and he obeyed. His mouth was put back togather and the tentacls was gone, Prussia suggested that we should all go to bed since its late and we all had a long day. Before everyone left Ottoman asked me if I wanted to do a sword fight with him tommorw and I agreed, as I was about to leave the room Prussia told me to stay behind for a bit. It was only me, Prussia and G.E was now doesn't have any paper on his face. Prussia wanted to tell me something and I told him to continue, He explained that when G.E started to act strange it wasn't him but an entity called Rectangle. G.E usauly have a round shaped head, but when the entity had affected him he started to have an rectangler head. Now he can switch bettween the two whenever he likes when Rectnagle is in him, he turns his head in to a circular shape everytime he goes outside in public to hid it. Only with other countries his head would become rectangle at some point when Rectangle is trapped in him, I asked Prussia how would I know that when his head is a rectangle it wouldn't be the Entity "Rectangle". Prussia then asked me how did I know something was wrong.

"I-I don't know , but I just sensed it and Im senseing it right now too." I said. Prussia nodded at my comment. 

"There you go you have your answer, none of us could sense people like you do, maybe you have a strong sense of feeling." Said Prussia, I nodded.

"Maybe." I wispered

"Now off to bed, my Kind you have a sword battle with Ottoman tommorw remember?" (Child) smilled Prussia. 

I said goodnight to the two countries, I turned to the door and left the room. The same feeling is back now. It the same one when I felt that something is wrong with G.E. Something is going on here.    

'You'll know soon'


(Prussia's POV) 

Rectangle was right she does look familliar, but where have I seen her. I went to my bedroom and started to search in my drawers for some answers after a few minutes of finding nothing I gave up and head to bed. I pray that Rectangle would leave her alone




Name: France (Frants)
Personality: Funny, stricted, smart, kind
Note: have good relationship with Britian, America and R.E. Hates his mother (YK why)

Name: Austrian Empire (A.E)
Personality: Kind, intellegent, calm, quiet
Note: Loves his son dearly, likes to write books and read them.

P.S: What other Countries do you want me to add? (type in the comments)

(1330 words)  

Editied and Republished

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