The Compass (Chapter 19)

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(Courtney's POV)

GOD DAMN that beating hurts man, Me, America and R.E were at the couch with icepacks. America got the most bursies, I felt lucky that I am not him. America's glasses had a small crack on it, and he was unhappy because of it. I told him that I could get him a new pair, he only nodded. The front door soon opend and I saw Soviet came in followed by Weimar and Third, they saw me with a icepack on my head.

"Courtney! Your back, are you okay where were you?" asked Weimar as he held on to me.

Soviet came to my rescued and looked at his dad, he saw the icepack in his father's hand. He raised an eyebrow to his father, and I told them what happend. When Soviet heard that his father was being beat by Britian and laughed, he laughed so hard that he fell onto the couch. I have never seen him laugh like this. I asked what they did when they went outside, Soviet chuckled a little saying that they were walking around the streets. Weimar jumped in and said that Third was singing the whole time when they were walking, he said that he has a good voice but Soviet disagree.

"My voice is beautiful Soviet, at least it's better than yours." I turned around and saw TR behind me.

The two started to argue while Weimar tried to stop them, I was bored and my eyes were caught by a drawer. I never noticed it, I asked one of the three countries and asked them whats in there. They all shugged and Weimar went over there and tried to open it, it was locked oh well we will never know. I told them that I was pretty bored, and I am not allowed to go outside becuase I am stuck here. Then the kitchen door opend and Prussia came out of it with Bulgaria and A.E behind him, he was holding a a piece of paper. I wonder whats on it? I watched him go to the locked drawer, unlocked it put in the slip of paper and locked the drawer again. I went over to R.E and asked him about the paper, he told me not to worry about it. Now I really want to know whats it is about and so does Soviet, Third and Weimar.

⩥1 week later

"I am so bored man." I groaned.

HRE was sitting across from me, I know he was getting tired of my complaining sooner of later he'll crack. I begged him to let me outside since the other countries were having a meeting and there is no one else to bother. HRE shook his head in annoyance, not even after 2 minutes I asked again. He told me to read a book, I looked at him and said that I already read through 4 books. He looked at the coffee table and saw the 4 books I read, there were also in different languege. All he did was nodd a little and went back to his book, I got off the chair I was sitting on but HRE told me to sit back down. Damn he is such a boring person, I started to annoy him again.

"Can you just settle down, and you know you are not allowed to go out." he said, I blew out some air out of my lungs.

I took out my phone and earpods out and started to listen to some music. I leaned my head back, I had memorized the whole castle. Heck maybe even better than the countries that lived in it their whole lives. I asked HRE some questions but he only answered no.

"Can I go to the garden?"


"To my room?"




"Do you love your family?"

"NO! now stop asking me questions"

I burst out laughing, HRE looked at me confused. It took him a while to understand why I am lughing my ass off. HRE set down his book and started to chase me as I ran away. I am not dying today.



This kid, I'am goit to STRAGGLE her. She runs faster so it was hard to catch up to her, luckly she was clumsy and would trip a few times. She ran upstairs and went to her room, ha good thing iot doesn't lock. I held on the door and pushed on it, it didn't open. Did they fixed the lock? Dang it, I heard soem giggles in the room from Courtney. I told her to open up and she responed with a no, and didn't answer my last few question.

Stuck in HISTORY | Book 1| ❤(Countryhumans )❤Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz