CAR RIDE (Chapter 10)

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(Courtney POV)

Every thing sounded so peaceful, I heard a piano playing in the background. It remindes me when I was young and my mom signed me up for piano class because I was begging her. I learned a few songs and enjoyed playing the piano, I would use my break time and enjoy the sound coming from from my fingertips. My dad also plays the piano every well he was the reson why I wanted to learn in the first place, so I can be like him. Whenever I heard piano music, all the noise in my head became slient and I would just hear the music. The piano was playing one of my favorite songs |'Endless myth'|, I then saw a figure sitting on the piano playing the song. I walked closer and it was a man in his 20's, I tilt my head to see his face. My eye's widen at the sight of the man's face, The young man felt my presances and turned his head to face me still while playing the piano and smiled. He looked just like my dad, his round glasses and the dimple on his left cheek whenever he smiles, is he my dad? The man then turned back focusing on his notes, I wanted to huge him and tell him how much I missed him and mom. My body didn't move an inch, I stood there and watched as he played the notes correctly. I closed my eyes and listen, the way he played it was beautiful. I felt clam, happy and also sad. A picture popped in my head it was me when I was 4, I was in the middle  of the picture holding on to my parents hand. My mom on my right and my dad to my left, my grandma next to my dad and my grandpa next to my mother. In the picture everyone was smiling. My mom and grandma wore a matching long yellow dress while my dad and grandpa wore sweaters, because they didn't know that we were going to take a picture. The image started to faded, I quickly tried to grab it but my hands when through it and the image disapeard, the music stopped as I opend my eyes. My dad who was once sitting down was standing infront of me now, he wore a gray suit and a tie. He started to fade, I didn't wan to miss my oppertunity and ran to him and hugged him tightly. I wish I can dream like this again and again, my dad slowly wrapped his arms around me. I hugged him tightly not wanting him to leave again, but nothing last forever. His body started to fade, pieces of him floated up. I noticed and tried to hold on to him tighter than ever, he put a hand on my back were I was shot and a yellow light started to glow, he was healing me. I burried my face into him, remembering his smell, dark chocolate that was what he smells like. After he healed every spot on me he smiled and dissapeard. 

 'Wake up my child' 

My eye's opend and was meet by a dim lighting. I sat up and looked at my surrounding, I was on a bed. I saw mulitple beds in a row each occupide by a person, a small table was next to the bed. There were men in a white t-shrit while the women are in a light brown dress with a white apron over it, they were a small hat and were carrying trays with water and food. 

"Sir, she is awake you can go see her." I hear a faint voice say on the other side of the wall and footsteps were heard scrambling. 

I notcied that I was wearing a white robe like eveyone else, My body was cover with new bandages. I noticed that the bullet wounds doesn't hurt no more and it also healed, I thanked my dad in my mind and started to look for my backpack and hat. My bag was next to the bed and the hat was on the desk next to my now clean clothes. I picked up my things and asked if there is anywhere I can change, the nurse I asked lead me to a room left. I changed into my fresh clothing and adjusted my hat, I was picking up my back pack when I heard someone shouted in German.

"Wo ist sie hingegangen?" (Where did she go?) I slowly crack opend the door and saw a male doctor next to a empty bed.

 I got out of the little room and walked out into the big room catching the attention of the doctor. 

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