14- empty world

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Gradient found himself in a world devoid of any life besides plants and some animals, he sighed as he exited the area he had been transported to. Gradient could see remnants of battle, claw marks on stone and trees, burnt and frost covered trees. Gradient kept looking around, the only things that showed dragons once lived was skeletons of dragons.

Gradient accidentally stumbled into a hidden clearing, in it were several different skeletons, but they were clearly being preserved better as one had nightwing scales still on it. Gradient took a close look at the skeletons, the sandwing one had an earring, the icewing one had a tiara and the Seawing had a gold bracelet with dark purple stones in it.

Gradient winced as he realized who these dragons must have been, Winter, Turtle, Qibli, Secretkeeper, and there was a small Rainwing one which must have been Kinkajou. Gradient slowly walked away, he wondered what happened but he was the only one here. Gradient suddenly felt a pain in his head and suddenly his surroundings changed, he saw a unfamiliar dragon, a sandwing/Icewing hybrid, like him, she said, "Come on, we got to get a move on!"

A small dragonet followed her, Gradient recognize them as Moonwatcher, "Ok... But are you sure you can bring my friends and Mother here before they are killed?" The Hybrid nodded and said, "Yes, just... Stay safe, stay hidden." Moon sat still and listened to.the dragoness, as suddenly as the vision started it ended.

Gradient looked around confused, he walked around and found a bunch of skeletons, some were wearing mask, suddenly another vision hit him. The hybrid was fighting with these masked Dragons, everything was blurry and nobody but her was seen. As the battle neared its end Moon came out of the bushes and was spotted by one of the dragons, his details became more clear, a rainwing, he held up a dagger as if to stab Moon.

Suddenly the Hybrid stepped in the way while also using a black tendrils to stab through the other dragon. Moonwatcher began shaking and crying from fear as the hybrid fell to the ground and suddenly she was alone. The Hybrid then looked up, barely breathing and said, "...M-...Moonwatcher.... You are... Ach.... You are the last hope of us... I can see it... You will save us... I know it... I'm sorry I couldn't... Couldn't save them for yo... you..." Moonwatcher's tears intensified as she took the mask off the hybrid, she looked a lot like Gradient but had a long scar across her snout and dark orange eyes.

Gradient watched as Moonwatcher cried, holding the mask in her talons, before putting it on, for a moment the Moonwatcher who nearly killed him was seen but it wasn't her, not truly, it was just her pain and fear. Suddenly, everything returned to it's usual quite and dead way, leaving Gradient to wonder if any of that was real on not...

Wings of fire: broken worldsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang