4- Fighting for good

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Gradient was flying with the Sandwing army to the nightwing kingdom to take down Darkstalker. As they landed Gradient could see the Icewings, Seawings and Skywings were already battling Darkstalker and forcing the earrings onto the nightwings, the nightwings slowly started to help attack Darkstalker as the earrings were put on them.

Gradient quickly went to help, the battle was quickly turning in favor of the icewings. Gradient saw Winter was about to use the scroll scrap to defeat Darkstalker, suddenly a masked figure in a hood kicked him out of the way and held him down. Gradient then quickly flew over and knocked down the masked dragon.

The masked dragon seemed surprised as they glared at Gradient, the distraction was enough for Winter to get back up and use the scroll to defeat Darkstalker. As Darkstalker was defeated the masked dragon quickly seemed annoyed, suddenly everyone but Gradient and the masked dragon were grabbed and pinned down by large black tendrils.

"I must admit, whoever you are, you're already an annoyance, but I respect you for attempting to save your world, so I'll allow you to keep your world, until it is needed." The masked dragon said as they stepped through a portal, the tendrils disappeared and Gradient was just confused.

Suddenly Gradient saw another portal appear, he realized it was the one from how he got here so he quickly dove in, whoever that masked Dragon was the were causing a lot of trouble.

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