13- the reason

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Moonwatcher yawned as Gradient vanished into the portal, she wished she had time to sleep but she had to complete before she could sleep. Moonwatcher quickly used her mask's abilities to figure out how she could do what was needed, Moonwatcher began to find everything she could do to destabilize this world.

Moonwatcher saw visions of herself, her mother, Red and a hybrid she was unaware of the name of. Moonwatcher sighed, she hated this part, her world had a Red and of course her mother but she was probably going to have to kill them to destabilize this world, but it would all be worth it when HER family, HER friends, HER world were fixed.

Moonwatcher quickly flew towards the rainforest, she knew she had to go there, she'd kill the dragons in this vision and leave, and once the world was destabilize she would take the remains of it to fix her own.

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