16- wandering thoughts

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Moonwatcher had no idea what was wrong with her today, she messed up on trying to kill her targets and got seriously injured. Moonwatcher let out a sigh, she had walked awhile away from Gradient, the only living dragon she cared about right now, to get food, but in reality she wanted to just get away from him, he made her feel an odd feeling she hadn't felt in awhile.

Moonwatcher was slow in her hunt, stalking forward toward a large cow that she could roast up, she pounced catching it in her maw before snapping it's neck quickly. Suddenly, Moonwatcher heard the nap of a stick and instinctively pounced at the noise.

As Moonwatcher looked down, she saw it was Gradient, his face a deep blue as she had him pinned, "What are you doing here?" Moonwatcher growled, Gradient then stuttered out, "I-I... I came to see if perhaps you'll free me?" Moonwatcher glared at Gradient grabbing his glasses from his snout and saying, "No." She crushed his glasses with ease.

Moonwatcher expected fear from Gradient but there was shock and awe in his eyes as his face was still bright blue, "What's wrong?" Moonwatcher asked as Gradient continued to look at her arms in awe, Gradient then stuttered out, "I... I um... That was amazing... C-can you do that again?"

Moonwatcher looked confused wondering if this was a trick but she humored him and said, "Well, do you have anymore glasses?" Gradient shook his head and said, "I have a few coconuts, can you break them?" Moonwatcher nodded and Gradient ran off.

Moonwatcher smiled slightly, Gradient didn't even seem to care about his glasses, he seemed more focused on her strength. Gradient quickly returned with several coconuts, Moonwatcher picked up one and crushed it with ease even drinking some of the water after she crushed it, Gradient seemed mesmerized, Moonwatcher couldn't help but enjoy his attention as she showed off her strength.

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