6- Guardian

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Gradient laid down as Qibli and Winter batted at his tail, Gradient had covered his tail spike to keep them safe. Sky and Kinkajou were tackling each other rolling around and playing, Peril suddenly came by dragging a large fish as she walked backwards. Peril then dropped the fish and said, "Gradient, I caught fish for you!"

"Thank you Peril, do you think you could cook it?" Gradient asked, Peril nodded and used her fire breath on it to burn it, she then gave it to Gradient, he smiled and took it not wanting to seem rude he began to eat it, it was surprisingly delicious on the inside under the burnt parts.

As Gradient ate the fish Moon suddenly approached, "Um... Gradient... Can I tell you something?" Gradient nodded and said, "Go ahead." Moon then said, "A few days ago a dragon came by, she was nice and said she would play with us after she went to our father." Gradient looked at Moon and said, "What did she look like?" Moon then said, "She had a mask, a robe and was smaller then our father."

Gradient tensed up and said, "Moon, that dragon was probably the reason your father is restless." Moon nodded and said, "do you think there's a way to stop this dragon, I don't want my dad to be so restless." Gradient nodded and said, "Yes, have you seen this dragon around?"

Moon nodded, "She's been sneaking around at night, I could only see her a few times." Moon said, Gradient nodded, he would have to deal with the masked dragon soon again.

Wings of fire: broken worldsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang