2- King and his prophet

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Gradient suddenly found himself in a snowy landscape near a castle made of ice, it must be the icewing kingdom. Gradient quickly tried flying up, his wings felt unnatural so he went slowly over the wall, he needed to talk to the rule, he wasn't sure if this was before or after Darkstalker's spell.

As Gradient landed in the castle walls, it was quite barren with nobody guarding the wall at all. Gradient carefully entered the castle and walked down the halls, as he rounded a corner he crashed into a tall dark figure, "Oh s-sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you." The dark figure said, he was very familiar, "Um... Anyways, I'm Bloodmoon, who are you?" Bloodmoon said.

Gradient was shocked to meet Bloodmoon, but then realized this must be part of this world that Worldbuilder made, "Nice to meet you Bloodmoon, I'm Gradient, I need to see the ruler." Gradient said, Bloodmoon then said, "Oh, you mean king Winter? Um... I'm not sure if he'd want to see anyone... But I could try, he is a friend of mine."

Bloodmoon then started to lead Gradient toward a room where Winter was planning, "King Winter, you have a guest." Bloodmoon said shyly, Winter looked up from his scrolls and said, "Come in." Bloodmoon walked in with Gradient close behind him. Gradient nervously bowed before Winter and said, "Um... King Winter, I came to ask if anything strange has happened recently?"

Winter looked confused and said, "Well... Yes, earlier I was visited by a masked figure wearing a mask with red markings on it, they sounded familiar and said to not try and involve the other tribes as the wouldn't help and it would just put them in danger. Why do you ask?" Gradient was surprised, this definitely wasn't something that this ment to be in this world.

Gradient then said, "Um... Well I think that Dragon might not know what they were talking about, as I'm sure Queen Glory, Queen Thorn and Queen Ruby would be willing to help prevent your tribe from total destruction and Queen Coral would help because Darkstalker is also a threat to her tribe with his enchantment." Winter looked at Bloodmoon and said, "Did you bring him here to help you convince me to seek help?" Bloodmoon shook his head and said, "N-No! I just bumped into him roaming the halls."

Winter then looked closely at Gradient and said, "Where's your earring?" He seemed confused, Gradient then said, "Oh, I didn't get one... I was in the sandwing kingdom when I heard what was happening." Winter then said, "Ok, well if everything on say is true then I will go request help, although I might need to pushback my plans... But that could give Darkstalker too much time..." Bloodmoon then said, "Um... What if we have other dragons go out to ask for assistance?"

Winter nodded and grabbed something from a box, a earring and he said, "Gradient, I am sending you to the Sandwing kingdom, but to ensure I can trust you, you have to wear this earring." Gradient winced, he didn't want to get a piecing, it was going to be painful, Gradient backed up slightly and said, "Um... I... I don't really want a piercing-" Winter pinned down Gradient and said, "Bloodmoon, pierce his ear!"

Bloodmoon quickly and nervously ran to Gradient, using his talons to carefully pierce Gradient's right ear, then Winter put the earring on Gradient, "Ow!" Gradient yelped in pain. Winter then got off of Gradient and said, "Sorry about that, but I needed to ensure Darkstalker doesn't uses his magic on you, you should go now, We'll send others to request help from Glory, Coral and Ruby." Gradient quickly left, hoping he wouldn't need to get anymore piercings, it really hurt.

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