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The t.v was too loud. Bluey covered her ears with a pillow, attempting to drown out the noise. It was no use. Bluey rolled over to face Bingo, who was fast asleep and snoring every so often. Bluey huffed. Why couldn't she sleep like Bingo? Pushing her blankets off of her, Bluey quietly walked across the room and opened the door.

As Bluey left the room, the t.v was much louder. Bluey sighed and walked down the hall and stairs.
The t.v grew louder. Bluey walked down the stairs.
"Mum?" Bluey called.

The t.v turned off. Bluey sighed.
"Thanks, Mu-" Skin came in contact with skin. Some yelped in agony. Bluey covered her mouth and crouched on the steps. She gathered the courage to peek over the ledge. Her blue eyes widen in horror. They welled with tears. She opened her mouth to scream, to speak, to say anything. Nothing.

"How dare you?!"
Chili's fist curled tight, waiting to hit harder than a slap.
Bandit glowered at Chili. He stalked closer to her.
"Are you gonna hit me?"
Chili wrinkled her nose at the smell of beer. In one swift motion, she drew back her arm and punched square in Bandits face.

Bluey cried out. It went unheard by the adults. Thick red piant ran from Bandits nose. Chili sniffled.
"Go back!"She yelled. "Go back to the bitch who wrecked this family!"
Bandit wiped the blood off his face. He spat at Chili's feet.
"I'll be back tomorrow," he said walked towards the front door.

"Bluey?" Someone whimpered behind her. Bluey spun on her heel. The front door, clicked, and car raced off.
Bingo's eyes are red, and her face plae with fear stained with tears. A small whimper came from her.
"Bluey!" Bingo wailed.
She collapsed on her knees and sobbed. Tears cascaded down Bluey's face.

Chili walk past the girls and into the kitchen.
Bluey followed her leaving Bingo on the stairs.
Chili ignore Bluey and opened a cupboard, which was to high for the girls to reach. Chili pulled out a large bottle. She grab a glass and popped open the bottle with her teeth. Deep red liquid poured out the bottle into the glass. In one swing all the liquid went down. Chili ditch the glass and drank straight from the bottle.

"Mum! Bingo needs you!" Cried Bluey.
Chili walked on without muttering a word to Bluey. She flopped on the couch and continued downing the wine.

Bluey stared in disbelief at her Mom. She walked back up the stairs to see Bingo asleep but tears still falling from her cheeks. As best she could Bluey scooped up Bingo in her arms and waddled back into their room. She places Bingo into bed and turned to hers.
"Bluey?" Mumbled Bingo.
Bluey croutch to Bingos side.
"Yeah, Bingo?"
Fresh tear fell onto the pillow.
"Is our family broken?"

♡Hey Ami's! Kit here! Just wanna say thanks for reading the Prolouge! I'm super excited for this story. And please, yes I know it's quite violent and a kids show but please remember that this is my AU. If you don't like the story, don't read it. Simple.

If your wondering on how to invison the character, I picture them as humans. More details to come!

I hope you will keep reading this little book I have to offer!

Until next time ami's♡

Broken A Bluey AU Where stories live. Discover now