Breaking point

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Okay I didn't get a chance to proof read this so u hope you guys can still read it and understand it.

Buck: Damn i guess everyone has their breaking point.
Eva: I am at my breaking point.
At the bakery.
Millie: My love it will get better pluse its almost Sunday we get a day off soon.
Eva: Hun, its Tuesday. Should it be this hard?
Millie: We just need to get to the 1 year mark. It won't get easier but they won't be teething anymore.
Eva: Wait what do you mean it won't get easier?
Millie: We signed up for this to be hard for at least 18 years, most of the time longer.
Eva: I just need sleep.
Millie: Yeah me too. We'll get there.
Eva: We have to, I wouldn't change them for the world.
Millie: No me neither.
Later family line by Conan Gray plays.
Eva: Hmm, h-hi, who is this?
M: Its Maddie can you chat?
Eva: Yeah give me a couple of minutes just stay on the phone...... okay what's up?
M: When you almost gave birth to the twins at home, was it scary?
Eva: Well yeah but it all turned out okay, why? Whats going on?
M: Im thinking of having my baby at home. Our doctor doesn't know if she will be there and I want someone u know delivering my baby.
Eva: Well its a bit different Mads, I was on my own when I went into labour and my partner wasn't a trained paramedic.
M: So you think it will be okay?
Eva: I'm saying of thats an option you should explore it.
Millie: Hey, what time is it?
Eva: Uhmm 9pm.
M: Oh were you guys getting some sleep?
Eva: We were. The twins are keeping us up so whilst they were asleep we were sleeping but its okay.
M: Oh no you should have said.
Eva: Your fine Mads this was important to you so its important to me.
M: Well I'll let you get some sleep, love you all.
Eva: We love you too, good night.
Eva and Millie fall back asleep, the twins sleep through for the first time.
Millie: I can't believe they slept through.
Eva: Me neither but boy did I need that sleep.
Millie: Oh yeah me too.
Eva: Come on we better get to the bakery.
11:30 am. Hey sister do you still believe in love I wonder.
Eva: Hey Buck, whats up aren't you on a shift?
Evan: Yeah we got called to a situation we've been her 2 and a half hours can you please bring us some desserts.
Eva: I'm on my way I'll bring a bit of everything send me the address and give me 20 minutes ontop of however long it takes from the bakery to the scene.
A: Now, they think the food builds trust.
Eva: Delivery of desserts.
A: Good lord. How much trust are we trying to build here?
Eddie: Actually they're for us.
Evan: Thanks alot sis.
Mr Nowels: Why does everybody get to eat but me?
Eva: Mr Nowels recognise me, Miva's bakery in there is one of them gooey chocolate brownies you love so much.
Evan: Oh absolutely you can have it.
Mr Nowels: I'm calling dibs on that brownie.
A: How did you do that?
Eva: He's a regular at the bakery, I could tell it was a bit out of hand. I'd go get a donit before they all go.
A: Yeah, not a bad idea.
Eva: Alright I gotta get back, have fun you guys.
A couple of nights later there's a knock at the door.
Eva: Oh hey bro come on in.
Evan: Oh wow its loud in here.
Eva: Dont even go there, please tell me there frozen teething rings are almost ready.
Millie: They'll be ready for bed time. We have come up with a system.
Eva: Whats up?
Evan: Eddie keeps getting mad at Chris about his math homework it got heated so I left.
Eva: Dont you think you should go back home?
Millie: I would love to leave each time one of us has a tantrum but I dont.
Eva: No because your an adult. Look Buck maybe Eddie could have done with your help calming Chris down and you just left?
Evan: So I shouldn't have kept?
Eva: No you should have stayed and helped thats how a second farther works.
Millie: Whoch you basically are. GO HOME!!!
Evan: Okay, okay im going good night.
Eva&Millie: Good night.
Chris: BUCKY!!
Evan: Chris what are you doing here?
Eva: Come on back in I'll call Eddie.
Eddie: Eva i need help Chris is gone and so is-
Eva: They're both here. Buck came round me and Millie told how much of an idiot he was being and he was about to come home when Chris showed up.
Eddie: I'm on my way.
Eva: Good because they both walked it here.
Eddie: I'll bring the truck.
Eva: Eddie is on his way.
Chris: He's going to be so mad.
Evan: Yeah probably although I'm sure it won't be just at you.
Eva: Look bud I know its hard but if you need help with homework you ask, and you don't run off from your dad I bet he almost died when he couldn't find you at home.
Evan: She has a point buddy, but I know its my fault too. I think we both have some making up to do to your dad.
Eva: I would say so yes.
Its a couple of days later its a Sunday Eva and Millie are at home there's a news article on the TV about the pandemic. Hey sister do you still believe in love I wonder.
Eva: Hey whats going on?
Evan: Have you seen the news with Taylor?
Eva: Yeah why?
Evan: The hospital freezer broke 1,000 vaccines could go to waste if they don't get administered soon.
Eva: Me and Millie are coming to get some get Taylor to tell people Miva's bakery will be open to people who need a vaccine.
Evan: You can't administer them.
Eva: I have a friend in the hospital she's off today but she would help us just do it Buck we're on our way.
Everyone pulls together and the vaccines are all distributed. Eva and Millie go to the hospital afterwards.
Taylor: Thank you for everything.
Eva: Yoir welcome glad we could help we gotta get home they're frozen teething rings have now thawed. See you guys soon hopefully.
Evan: Bye thank you both again.
Millie&Eva: BYE EVERYONE!!

Eva BuckleyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon