Chapter 12: Contents Under Pressure

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"I need Clarke!" I scream out once we enter the camp. I was the first one to enter, then Jasper who had Octavia's arm over him and then Bellamy who was carrying Finn.

Halfway into the walk back to camp, Octavia's leg started aching again, and she couldn't walk by herself so Jasper decided to help her out. I was keeping guard up front, even though I probably couldn't fight off a grounder it was good to have a pair of eyes watching out. Monroe was sticking to the back to make sure we weren't being followed.

"Where's Clarke!?" I shout again, running through the front gate. "Get me Clarke, now!" I scream louder.

"I'm here, what's up?" she asked out of breath, running up to me from a tent.

"It's Finn," I say out of breath, looking back to see Finn's unconscious body in Bellamy's arms. Clarke followed my eye direction, and a look of shock appeared on her face as she took in his state. Blood was still seeping from the knife and his body had gone all pale and sweaty.

"Finn?" Clarke whispered, going over to him. "Oh my god, oh my god," Her breathing became uneven, she was terrified. Clarke had a much stronger connection with him than I did, so this must be even worse for her "Oh my god," She put three fingers up to his neck to check his pulse, and her body relaxed a bit. "He's alive." She sighs.

"Elena wouldn't let me take the knife out," Jasper said, still keeping a tight grip on Octavia.

"No, that was a good call," Clarke said, not taking her eyes off of Finn. Two other guys decided to help Bellamy out by taking Finn off him as Bellamy needed to gain back his energy from carrying him nearly all this way.

"Get Finn in the drop ship right now, go!" Clarke yelled at the two boys. Clarke stayed back for a second, just looking at me before she turned away and ran back into the dropship. I look at Octavia in Jasper's arms and nod my head at her, almost asking her if she is alright. She simply nodded back to me and shared a small smile.

Running into the drop ship I follow Clarke's footsteps to where she took Finn. He's lying shirtless on a metal table, the same table where Clarke fixed my arm. "Clarke, can you save him?" The girl from the pod asked her. I completely forgot about her, I don't even know her name, but from the look on her face, she seemed to have known Finn from before.

"No, I can't, I need my mother," Clarke said, still assessing the wound "I need to talk to her."

"There's no radio!" The other girl yelled. Everyone was fighting with each other, it was like me and Octavia in the cave again.

"Raven, I need you to go back to the corner and fix that goddamn radio right now," Clarke told her, sternly. So that's what the girl's name was, Raven. "I'll worry about Finn, you worry about the radio. Got it?" Clarke questioned, still never taking her eyes off the boy.

"Is there any way I can help?" I ask both of them. They both look at me, not realising I had been there.

"I'll call you if I need you, Elena," Clarke says only taking her eyes off Finn for a second.

"Hold it down!" I hear someone shout behind me. Looking out of the drop ship door I see that a wild storm has hit. The wind going every which way and the rain fell so hard it soaked anyone that got in its path. Two guys were trying to hold down the parachute that covered the opening of the dropship, but they were having difficulty. I decided to go and help them keep the tarp down. Walking towards them I see people scrambling outside grabbing whatever they needed from their tents and rushing past back to the drop ship

"You guys need any help!" I shouted loud enough so they could hear my voice past the rain.

"We have to handle it!" One of the guys shouts back. I'm not sure why no one wants my help because clearly, that man is about to fly away with the tarp in a few seconds.

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