Chapter 8: Murphy & Wells

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After last night's events, I decided that it would be best if I stayed out of the drop ship, just so my wounds have time to heal and no one would question me. I went back to Harper's tent and managed to get a good few hours of sleep. Well, maybe it was more than a few hours as I got abruptly awoken by Clarke pushing and prodding me, telling me to wake up.

"Clarke it's so early," I groan as I roll about a little longer, pressing my forehead into the pillow, which was really just piled up clothes.

Clarke was probably in a mood today and couldn't be asked with me as as soon as I whined she yanked my pillow out from under me. Making me bang my head on the tent floor. I let out a groan before rubbing my forehead but stayed lying down. "Come on Elena, get up. Bellamy needs everyone's help securing the camp," she snapped. Seeing that I wasn't budging one bit she decided to give it another go. "And Jaspers doing better, walking now but he was wondering where you were," she explained, knowing I would get up for him.

"Wait, he's doing better!" I say sitting up in excitement. Clarke lets out a grin that quickly changes into a frown. Shit. She's looking at my eye. I quickly put my hand up to cover it but the damage had already been done

"Elena- what the hell, where do you get that!" Clarke demanded. I don't know what to say. If I say I got beaten up and held at knifepoint by some girls in the camp, then it will make me seem like a scared little girl, crawling to others for help. But if I don't tell her then they might come back, although after what Murphy said to Kate last night, I don't think she'll try anything again so soon. I decide to play the 'acting dumb' game

"Where did I get what?" I ask almost in shock. This better goes well.

Clarke gave me one of those 'Are you being serious' looks before continuing "The black eye Elena. Don't play dumb with me you know exactly what happened and I want to know," she demanded. No, please?

"Black eye?" I ask again, putting on my best-confused face. My hands still covering my left eye as I speak.

"You know you have a black eye as you covered it before I said anything. This whole little game of yours won't work. Where did you get it from?" She says very roughly. I looked behind her to see if Harper was there to maybe help me out of it, but she was long gone. Shit.

"I um ran into a tree," I say very suspiciously. A tree? Come on Elena you could have done better than that!

"What the fuck. Elena! You were meant to clean it. It's almost infected, you idiot!" She shouts at me. Infected? A black eye can't be infected. I give her a weird, questionable look to tell her I have no clue what she's talking about. "Your leg," She says swiftly.

My gaze darts down to my thigh. Where I used my hand to cover my eye my pants moved themself, revealing the infection in my thigh I discovered last night "I, oh, umm," Well, I'm fucked.

"You're coming with me right now," she demanded, grabbing my arm and yanking me up off the floor. Then she dragged me to the drop ship not even listening to a single thing I was saying to try to get out of it "Sit down on the table," she commanded, finally letting go of me

"No. I'm fine Clarke I don't need to be treated," I whine

"Elena your the opposite of fine. Sit down or I'll tie you to the bloody table," she commands while rummaging through piles of junk to find anything that will help her.

I don't want my leg to completely break so I hop onto the metal table and wait for her to come over. "Ahh found it," she says holding up what looks to be a sewing needle and some thread.

"No. Just no," I say jumping off the table. I have had Stitches once before on my forehead. I was around six years old and I was playing with my friends at school, when I ran into a cupboard. My head started bleeding and I needed to get four stitches on my forehead. It barely hurt, but that's because I had anaesthesia and it was very sanitary, unlike what Clarkes was about to do. I mean with no proper training or even the technology to help, it could get even worse, and it didn't look sanitary at all.

I'm just a kid - the 100Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu