Chapter 4: Making Friends

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"I need to fill my water up," I tell Atom smugly, holding up my empty cup as evidence. It wasn't really a cup though, but I made it out of the scrap metal from the drop ship and it worked well enough. Atom needs to stop taking orders so seriously, me and Octavia have been sitting on this bloody log for 2 full hours.

"No," He says sharply, he's definitely had enough of us already.

"But I'm thirsty?" I hit back.

"Dont care. Not my problem," Atom replies. I have had just about enough of him so I just decided to go. I stand up and start walking towards the river "Woah, where do you think you're going then," he declares running ahead of me and putting his hand on my chest, stopping me from moving.

"Getting water," I answer holding up the cup, like it's obvious. Pushing his hand off me, I stay where I'm standing to try and prove a point.

"Yeah, no. Sit back down," Atom orders stepping closer to me. I stare up at him before taking a quick glance back to the log, then back to him.

"Hey, I thought you were meant to be watching both of us?" I question, acting dumb.

"I am, both you and Octavia," he replies back.

"Really? Cause I don't see Octavia?" I say swinging my head to the now empty log. Atom follows my gaze as he stares back at the log, noticing the absence of the girl. Our plan worked. I distract Atom, she makes a run for it. Simple.

"Shit," Atom says pacing towards the log, trying to spot her in the surroundings. "You, stay here. If you even move as much as a muscle I swear to god I'll tell Bellamy and Clarke and they won't be happy. Now stay, I need to find her," he's definitely shitting himself, Bellamy gave him one job and he can't even do that.

"Okay," I say going to sit back on the log. Atom starts running around camp like a madman, looking anywhere and everywhere for Octavia.

Bellamy has also ordered everyone to start building a fence to keep the grounders out, and no one wants to disobey him, so a wall is being built. But I must admit it is a good idea. As everyone's a bit on edge because of the grounders, no one goes out alone and after seeing the pin point accuracy that that spear was thrown at Jasper, everyone is hiding in camp, fearing what's outside.

After it was clear I made my way off the log and decided to walk around the woods. I would have gone after the group, but they would have been way too far by now. So instead I wandered around the trees, admiring the beauty of it all. As I was walking around I stumbled across probably the perfect tree to climb. It had branches stacked together, almost like they were stairs, with the most perfect height and greenest, fullest leaves. As I made my way up with ease and sat at the top, I started humming an old song that my mum used to sing to me when I was a child.

I was up there for quite a long time, it was quite peaceful actually, just me alone with my thoughts. But my peacefulness was cut short as I heard something coming in the distance. Expecting it to just be one of the kids, or even atom I stay put high up in my tree, except as the figures got closer i realised that I fact it wasn't anyone from out camp, it was a grounder. Two grounders. "Shit," I say under my breath. As I immediately start to climb a little bit higher, using the leaves to cover me. I managed to hear a few phrases of what they were saying, except that they weren't speaking English, in fact, I didn't even know what language they were using.

"The skai kru Laik getting pis, osir need Kom deal Kom em bilaik," one said. They were dressed in thick earth-tone layers, with dirt all over their faces. They had what looked like swords stashed away in their pockets and face paint smudged across their cheeks. They made their way through the forest, while still speaking the unknown language. I stayed as still as I could, not wanting to draw attention to myself, as I waited for them to pass. After I was sure they left, I climbed as fast as I could down the tree. Because I was rushing I stupidly didn't look where I was going and I misplaced my foot, making me fall at least 8ft. I landed on my back, coughing for air as if it had all just been knocked out of me.

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