Chapter 5: A Walk

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"No! Please! No, stop!" I scream. I start fussing around in my sleep, moving from side to side, sweating profusely and shouting.  A hand grabs onto my shoulder, rubbing it, trying to soothe me. I shoot up, my head looking left to right, hoping it was just a dream. My heart is pounding, my lungs gasping for air, as I desperately try to catch my breath. I looked at the hand on my shoulder, then follow it up to see who was trying to help, it was Harper. Last night when I went into Harper's tent, I told her that Bellamy sent me. We started warming up to each other, joking throughout the night, and she turned out to be a very sweet girl.

"Hey, hey Elena it's ok. Your ok," she says in a soothing voice. I look up towards her as she kneels down next to me, "it's alright," she says, still rubbing my shoulder. I try catching my breath, taking a deep breath in through my nose, and out from my mouth, again, and again, and again. It was a technique that my dad used to teach me, to help me with the nightmares. "What happened?" Harper questions, looking down at me with pitiful eyes.

"Nothing, nothing. Sorry I woke you up," I say lightly shaking my head, trying to act fine. I didn't want to be seen as a sacred little kid who had nightmares, so it's best to not tell anybody about it.

"That didn't seem like nothing. Are you sure your ok?" Harper asks again. Her eyes were full of concern, she could probably tell I was lying.

"No, honestly I'm fine," I say. I don't know who I'm trying to convince, Harper, or myself.

Harper, knowing that I wasn't going to tell her, backed down "ok, try and get some rest. But you can always talk to me Elena, ok?".

"Yeah, ok. Sorry that I woke you," I say, lying back down, resting my head in my arms.

"It's fine, don't worry. Now try and get back to sleep," she replies, standing up and walking back towards her bed. Well, when I say bed I really mean a bunch of different clothes and fabrics piled on top of each other to try and make it comfy.

I only met Harper a few hours ago, but she seems like a really sweet and genuine girl. "Mhm, you too," I reply, rolling over to face the tent wall. If I'm being honest with myself, I'm not fine, actually, I'm far from fine.

Ever since my mum got floated I keep having these nightmares. It's where I see her in the room, about to be floated. And every time I run up to her, banging on the doors for her to be let free, but it's like I'm not there, no one takes any notice of me. I scream and shout at the top of my lungs but they can't see me. Then it all goes into slow motion. The doors get opened and she gets sucked away into space. And I'm left there, crying on the cold floor. Before I was put in the skybox, my dad used to help me with these nightmares, but once I got put in there, I was all on my own. 

A few minutes passed, and I could tell there was no chance of me going to bed. I was tossing and turning, huffing and puffing, but I just wasn't tired. After lying there for a few more minutes I decided that maybe going on a walk would help me clear my mind. I sat up, glancing over to Harper making sure she was asleep before grabbing my boots and putting them on. I stood up and wandered out of the tent flap. The sun had not risen yet, meaning that I only had the moon to light up my path. For the first time since we landed, it was actually quiet. Well except from the night guards but they made little to no sound. I started walking towards the exit when a hand landed on my chest, stopping me from walking. It was one of the guards "No one is allowed to leave camp," he commanded. I recognise that voice, I glance up, hoping my eyes are deceiving me, but there not. The voice belonged to Murphy.

"Yeah says who, Bellamy?" I say, roughly pushing his hand off my chest.

"Doesn't matter who, the only thing that matters is that you're not leaving this camp, understand me?" Murphy says raising his eyebrows.

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