Chrysanthemums and Azaleas

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                 It was the third month of the school year and the students were buzzing with excitement as the long-awaited town meet finally arrived. Khaila Salvador was the undefeated chess champion in Welston High therefore she was to face off the other schools and that meant that she was excused from class for the entire day. She then strolled along the school grounds with her best friend, Mai Garcia, who was also a badminton player.

                 Excited to play chess, Khaila was not looking where she was going and he accidentally bumped into someone. She immediately recognized him, Theo Arcillo, the great Welston high volleyball spiker. He was last year's MVP.

"oh shoot! Theo? Of all people??" Horrified, khaila immediately bowed and mouthed sorry before she left the scene partly because of her embarrassment but most importantly she was late for her game.

                 The chess game was an easy win for her. It didn't even took her ten minutes to end the game. Just as she finished, Mai hugged her from behind and congratulated her for her win and also announcing her win in badminton while she was at it.

                 As they were about to leave, Khaila spotted Theo at the door. He was waving at someone.

"Why is he here???" Khaila who still haven't gotten over the embarrassment, thought.

                  Theo moved closer to her as she was frozen in her spot. He stopped in front of her with a wide grin plastered in his face.

"We meet again" he began "Khaila right?"

"Yeah, I'm khaila. Theo, right?" she smiled awkwardly. "Sorry about earlier, I was kind of in a hurry" she finally apologized.

"Oh, no worries, you were great out there!" he commented as he pointed at the chessboard.

"Thanks. You were also great at the court. Congratulations by the way!"

"Thanks. Anyway, let's talk sometime. Got to go." He ran towards the door waving at Khaila. Khaila also waved back with a smile plastered on her face. It wasn't as awkward as it was earlier.

                 Khaila was about to leave the room but Mai blocked the door, raising an eyebrow at her. "What was that? Theo, right?" she imitated. "Is he your new crush or something?"

"No." Khaila replied briefly. Why would she fall in love with him? They've just met afterall.

"If you say so" Mai teased.

                   For the past few weeks Khaila and Theo coincidentally cross paths with each other and because of that they became close friends. Sometimes Khaila teaches Theo chess which he easily mastered. Sometimes Theo teaches Khaila volleyball which she fails miserably no matter how hard she tries. They've also meet with their other friends Ghon and Mai. Ghon was a table tennis player. He and Mai had met a few times before in practice and it was not long till they grew fond of each other.

                   Months and years have passed and they were in their final years as senior high students. Theo also had the courage to tell Khaila her true feelings. He was ready to tell her how much he loved her. He took her to the rooftop where he could tell her everything without the eyes of others.

"Khai, I like you and I think that, that might be the reason that I've been pretty selfish lately. I wanted you all for myself. I realized all these years I have truly loved you. I love you more than myself" he began "would you allow me to court you?"

                     It took Khaila three whole months before she said yes. For the past few months of their relationship, Theo would never fail to deliver her a bouquet of chrysanthemums, his symbol of love. He meant to tell her everyday that she is his love. They dated a lot. There was a time that they went on the beach, there was once they went on the park. Among everything they've done, Theo never took her to his parents though he was completely honest with her that his parents don't know about their relationship. His parents were strict to the point that he was reprimanded for playing volleyball. Thankfully she understood and they kept their relationship a secret.

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