The letters

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Sincerest L.

You are oh so beautiful, oh so creative. Oh so new and polished. You've only been created 19 sun ups ago and have only bloomed 3 sunrises before today. Yet I know. You look at me like you have been a part of a life I wish I had lived.

The way you are still clean from pain, you do not even smell of unwantedness. You smell like hope. So you must know.

You must know my and my dreams.

Dare I say,
I've talked to you,


Most gracious, L.

Snr. never strikes you. You also never make mistakes. It's as if a life was planned for you and you follow through it as if you've lived this life before.

Mind me, though. I talk what Snr. and the Jnr's would call Niotak. In my head it says the word means nonsense. I feel I've lived before. Yet not in this life.

My mind says you will understand what I mean if I tell you, however my broken body tells me you will strike me harder than any physical attack ever could if you were to say you do not share the same ideas as myself, because in my dreams you and I share the same mind.

Not yours,


Dearest L.

The night of Nihan is steadily approaching. What are you doing come sun up? What will you be clothed in? What can I say that will allow you to talk to me about my ideas? What could I possibly write with my golden hands that could honour a reply from a Jnr. such as yourself?

Sun-up has been bloomed, my would be lover. Will you watch the sky with me come sun-up? Would you? Or would father beat me for thoughts I cannot help to think? To thought. Words that would never dare leave my mouth. Watch the sky with me for news of a better morrow. There will be better for a Jnr. with prestige such as your own and a little better life where I am able to reach the height of yours. I shall soon inherit all the money in Nihan. And I would give you all of it without a blink of an eye.

Your never lover,


Most beloved L,

I fear father has caught on to my letters. It is all that I own, so I am scared I will hold not even my penmanship as my own. I scrap at my thoughts and carve these words into my skull. I hope you are able to hear my projections, you should be able to.

Father seems to hate me more these days. Ezeben has passed on. And now father seems to want a Sun-set even more. I tell him I am sorry I could never be it, he says I shall then have to create it.

I had saw the sky from my balcony. A glimse of it really, but I know the date and when we should ready ourselves. My dreams are not dreams. I hear them. I see them, L. My law shall stand, trust in it. I know you know that a Sunset cannot be awakened. It can only be created.

Rise with me in this trust, Shian. I am born of riches, yes, but you are knowledge. And together, we can make that rich knowledge real.

Your scarred admirer,


Fairest L,

My father has been relentless. He seeks to find me a Queen and the Queens midas immediately. He will not die without knowing the Sun-Set shall be awakened. But fret not, I've fed him the flower in a soup, soon he shall wake no longer.

Its unfortunate that I can only talk to you through the scars on my hands when you innocently try to heal them. Read them, my beloved. Read them. They tell you of my plans.

You are favored so you are not punished as I and the Jnrs. are for not knowing. You bare no scar yet you answer to a Lord who scars. Unfortunately I do as well. You call him King, and I call him father. It is to tragic to call what we have a love story.

But we will see, fairy. If the King manages to bare another child then it has come to kill our kind. Only a Sunset that is created, created by us, shall bring true peace.

Have faith,


Loveliest L,

Night of Nihan, we cannot watch the sky. I am not even allowed to think of it. I shall not see the King or his newest lovers as they stand by his side nor will I see the Kings Queen and midas, I will not even know if my father's child has survived. I hope it has not. I hope it never awakens and that it has trouble breathing if it ever breathes life.

If I could tell you, I have seen this before. I have seen this before. I know not his name, but I shall follow the real sun-set through his life. He will be nothing and because of that I shall merge within him. We shall become full of Nihan. Full of our world and we shall bring the divide. And I will bring the divider. To seperate Golds like me from Darkness like the Niat'eat. Do not become lost in your reality.

And if you do. Only the sun-set will be able to save you. But I am tired. And you need to hear me. Before it's too late.

Your burnt flame,


Heavenly, L.


Hell bound,



Read my letters. My mind is full of torment. Father has found me a bride and he shall force me to ruin the sheets. I am in utter despair and all you do is abide by their rules. Snr. does not care for you the way I do. I have trusted in your research. I have made sure that when I take the throne I am to sponsor you and aid in the creation of the Set-Set.



L, what do you know? You are young, rash. I feel as if I have lived life's I cannot remember.

Remember this life for me. One where i joked and laughed with you and kissed you in your chambers at sun down. For when I am berothed to my Queen, I fear I may never be that young again. And remind me of it if I ever forget, I trust to see you in the meadows.




The night has come. Remember. Remember for me, please.



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