Chapter seven

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Melody and Beat swap places as Now Cure Beat fights Sol while Seth looks up at Elfman "Elfman..." he mutters "Please, you got to snap out of it, Mira can't afford to lose another sibling; and it will be my fault for not saving you so Elfman wake the fuck up!" He shouted as tears rolls down his eyes.

"Seth..." He hears Elfman's voice "I swore that I never let anyone make you cry again, tell me, why are you crying?" Elfman questions before his body lit up.

Mirajane immediately recognized that light "Don't do it Elfman, is too Dangerous!" She yells at Elfman.

"Who made you cry, Seth!?" Elfman questioned.

"you monsieur, you're not strong enough to perform a full body take-over" Sol said before a big purple magic circle appeared before him.

Seth then gets away from Elfman while keeping Mirajane distant from the transforming Elfman now standing in Elfman's place was a giant beast.

Seth then gets away from Elfman while keeping Mirajane distant from the transforming Elfman now standing in Elfman's place was a giant beast

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"Is that?" Seth questions.

"The Full body take over, Beast Soul" Mira explains as Beast Soul Elfman roars.

"This is a big misunderstanding-" a really pissed off Cure Melody cuts Sol off by kicking him square in the face knocking him down as Elfman continues beating Sol down.

Cure Melody then looks at the shocked yet worried Mirajane "Mira!" Seth calls the white hair female "Call him, he would only listen to you, you're his only family left, do it!" he tells her.

Mirajane nod and walks up to Elfman "that's enough!" Mira tells Elfman who stops what he was doing and drops Sol and shrinks a bit; Seth notices Elfman's eyes returning to normal "Elfman...are you still you?" she asked.

Elfman then hugs Mirajane "I-I'm sorry Mira; I'd promised I would never try the full body takeover ever again; and after what happened to Lisanna, I thought I ever weren't" Elfman apologizes still in his beast soul form.

"You're still in control" Mira stated with relief making both Beat and Melody sigh with relief.

"But I didn't have another choice; I knew that this was the only way to protect you, Seth and the rest of Fairy Tail" Elfman then says to his older sister.

Seth sighs and walks up to the siblings "You're asking too much of yourself; what happen to Lisa is not your fault; what happened that day wasn't in your control; if Lisa was still alive, she would've agreed with me" he tells Elfman who turns back into his normal self now shirtless and Mirajane nods agreeing with him.

"He's right, you were doing everything you could to protect us" Mira then said

Elfman looks down with sadness "But I failed miserably" Elfman responds "I killed my little sister"

Seth also turns back into his normal self "No, Elfman; the Beast killed your little sister, not you; it was too powerful for you to have full control of it at the time, remember what I told you...'Lisa still love you' even in death I'm sure she couldn't bring herself to hate you, Elfman" he tells the taller young man.

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