Chapter 43

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Camp was always a welcomed changed. Was it hard being away from Alexia and the comfort of my own home? Yes, incredibly so. But there was something comforting about being with girls who didn't necessarily have a connection to Alexia. Sure Ronnie did, but other than that there were 21 girls who I had played with for the last 10 years.

Tony was our new coach. He had some questionable tactics and after a rough 18 months of losing almost every friendly we played, we were staying to see a difference. He pushed us to play better, to be better. He also pushed for the Australian Football Federation to be better. He fought along side us, helped us with whatever we needed. It was refreshing.

Dubai was hot. The sun was always out, it reminded me of Australia. A place I deeply missed but couldn't bring myself to go back there. It hurt too much, the reminders of what happened and what could've been. The only times I've been back was to play and in 2016 for mine and Ronnie's birthdays. That was it. There wasn't a plan to go back.

Being away from Alexia meant she was needier than usual. Thanks to Mapi and Alba, I was able to get constant updates. They both made sure not to leave out a single word when recounting their conversations with her.

The plan for camp was to spend seven days in Dubai, then on the seventh day travel back to England to play team GB in a friendly. After that, we had recovery and then we were sent back to our clubs. It was our last camp before players were dropped. Five people who were with us at this camp, wouldn't be at the next one. I couldn't imagine how hard it would be as a coach to decide who got dropped.

As the group splintered off for a much needed rest, I found myself sitting on the grass outside, phone in hand, waiting for Lex to answer.

"Hola Amor. I miss you."

"Hi Lex. I miss you too. Are you going alright?"

"IS THAT ANA!" I heard Claudia's excited voice before I saw her and Patri

"HI ANA!" Patri screamed.

"ANA ALEXIA WONT SHUT UP ABOUT YOU PLEASE COME BACK!" Pina yelled through the phone, followed by a yelp.

We all chatted a little more before they left. Lex filling me in on how shit their camp is going and how much things need to change. Since Spain didn't have the Olympics coming up, they had started their preparations for the 2022 Euros, a tournament that I was particularly excited about.

After what seemed to be bare minutes, we were interrupted yet again, this time by trio of Macca, Caitlin and Alanna.

"Hey lover girl! Get off the phone we are going shopping!" Macca yelled, I rolled my eyes and ignored them. Hoping they would get the message and leave.

"Hello Ms Putellas, we regretfully interrupt to steal your wife. We are so incredibly sorry for any inconvenience that we are causing." Alanna tried (and failed) to put on her most posh accent.

"What?" Considering Alexia could barely understand a heavy Australian accent, there's no way she's understand whatever the hell Lans accent was.

Before I could reply, Caitlin grabbed my phone out of my hands, Macca wrapping her arms around me to hold me back.

"WE are taking Ana shopping because it's your anniversary soon and she won't be there and she's sad about it. If you have any suggestions on what you want, follow me back on instagram and tell me." Lex laughed.

"Okay sure. don't hurt her and tell her I love her. Bye!"

"Assholes." I said as Macca put me down. Caitlin handed me back my phone and then they practically dragged me out.

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