Chapter 36

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The tension in the team is high. I refuse to talk to Ronnie. I'm still mad as hell at her but Alexia doesn't get it. I hate fighting with Alexia. She's too level headed, for once I just want her to back me, which is how we got where we are now. Fighting in the locker room while everyone else is supposed to be eating lunch.

"Just talk to her Ana. You're an adult so sit down and talk to her. This has gone in far too long. You said weeks ago that you were meeting up with her to talk to her."

Silence. I realised my mistake. I didn't tell her that Ronnie blamed me. After that night I shut it down, I refused to talk about it with Alexia.

"I did. We had coffee."

"Well clearly you didn't because you are acting like a god damn child!"

"She blames me okay! To her this is all my fault. Me stopping her from killing herself is my fault. Getting her help is my fucking fault. You and Jenni knowing, my fucking fault. You know what else is probably my fault: 9/11, covid, the list could go on and on." I exploded. The look in Alexia's face told me everything I needed to know, I didn't infact forget to tell her.

"Enough! Everyone can hear you two fighting." Irene put her scary captain voice on, neither of us even heard the door open. The looks of horror spread in our teammates.

"No you know what. I'm done. For years I've kept everyone's fucking secrets, helped them whenever they needed and this is the thanks I get? Ronnie you fucked everything up by yourself. You didn't need my help doing it. You can blame me for all your fucking mistakes but I don't care anymore. I'm done."

Never had I felt so angry. The team was divided. Ronnie had told them I spilled an important secret, but I hadn't. It was all her.

"Just for the record -"

"Ana that's enough"

"No it's not! Since Ronnie gets to talk shit and make half of you made at me, I didn't spill her secret. She did, but as always she's the victim." With that I was gone. Didn't know where I was going but I left. Alexia drove us here so I got on the bus. Autopilot sent to me the only place I would catch a bus from.

Doms house.

I knocked and Isabella answered. "Hi Anastasia, I didn't expect to see you here."

"Uh hi? Is Dom home?"

"I'm sorry he isn't. He's gone to pick Andre up."

"Okay no worries. Sorry for disturbing you."

"You're more than welcome to come inside and wait if you like?"

It was uncomfortable, that was the easiest way to put it. On the far wall was a photo gallery. It's weird to watch someone's life through pictures. Scattered across were photos of Dom and Andre, Andre's school photos, photo of Dom and I from when we were younger.

"There's more in your room." It was almost like she shouted it, in reality it was just so incredibly quiet. Isabella could see the confusion on my face.

"Every time something happens and you are in the media, he prints it out. Andre isn't allowed in your room, he's kept it the same way since you left. You can go in there if you want."

A time capsule. The best I can describe the room. Everything is the same, from the shoes next to my desk to the bed sheets. Isabella was right, Dom prints everything off and sticks it to the wall. It's a weird feeling, being back here after 5 or 6 years. The house is full of love and life now. It wasn't back then. I took a seat on the bed. The familiar smells comforted me. This room was my solace, my safe place, it helped me discover who I was. It showed me love, help me create love, I lost my virginity in this very bed with Alexia. I was so lost in my thought I didn't hear Dom enter, only noticing when the bed dipped beside me.

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