Chapter 14

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The season blew by in a blur. You and alexia battled each other for the most goals. It was a healthy competition. You played your best with Alexia and she played her best with you.

This with Dom had gotten worse. He had gotten worse. His drug addiction was back in full force, worse than before. That meant you'd often come back to different people passed out all over the loungeroom and kitchen. You had banned Lex from coming into the house. Mainly because you didn't want her to see anything, but also because you wanted to protect her. With Jaume gone, you felt like you couldn't come with Eli with the problems, so you lived with it.

New Years Eve was a little different this time round. You and Lex had taken a trip away to Italy. Just the two of you. You both needed it, but Lex more. She had been putting all this pressure on herself to do better, be better. She was always the first one out of the changing room and the last one in. No more joking with you, Ronnie or Jenni. Everyone noticed the change but didn't want to say anything in fear of upsetting you. You let her be. Knowing this is what she needed. She was truly thriving on the field and you loved watching it.

Things came to ahead in the middle of March. It had been a particularly tough week for you. Mentally and physically you were exhausted. Fighting with Dom and his stupid friends Everytime you arrived back at the house. One particular night, his became super aggressive. Usually he would just shove you into the wall but this night, it was different.

The following morning you texted Lex, telling her not to pick you up because you were sick, then texting your managers the same thing. You were sick. Not sick in the way you had portrayed it but sick nonetheless. After packing you bags, you waited until the coast was clear. As you walked out of your room, still in the jumper with blood on it, you took in the mess for the last time. A broken tv, half hung off the wall, alcohol bottles and trash spread around, holes in the walls and used needles on every surface.

You made the hour long walk to Alexia's house with your 4 heavy bags. Waiting long enough o know that Alba would be at school and Lex at training. Slowly making your way to the door you knocked. Eli opened and didn't look at you for a second, but once she did her eyes opened wide.

"Ana! What happened? Are you okay. My god, get inside" she pulled you along to the kitchen table, grabbing her first aid kit and cleaning your cuts and bruises. Asking you again what happened, you broke down in tears. Telling her everything from the past few months. She was disappointed you didn't come to her, but she understood why you felt you couldn't.

"Does Ale know?"

"No. She's been so focused this season. With everything that's happened I didn't want her to get off track. It's important she stays focused."

You knew that you had to tell her soon, she'd be home in a few hours anyway. Eli lead you to your room, giving you some water and medicine and telling you to nap. Alba arrived home shortly after, not even noticing your bags still at the front door. She made a beeline for the couch, popping down and flicking on some trashy TV show. Eli sat, watching Alba and watching the front door waiting for Ale's arrival home. The minute the car pulled up, Eli was on her feet. Alba got a shock, not expecting that.

As Lexi walked through the door, she noticed her mum waiting for her right away, the next thing she noticed was your bags. Panic struck your girlfriend.

"Where is she?"

"Ale, sit on the couch next to your sister please. We need to have a conversation."

"No mami, where is she"

"Alexia, I will not ask you again. Sit down."

Alexia finally did what she was told and sat down. Eli told them everything. You would be staying here indefinitely. No one was to mention anything about your face or the bruises over your body. Tomorrow, Eli would drive you to the facility and talk to the managers and the doctors.

Lex made a beeline for the room you were in. Opening the door and seeing you sleeping. Curled up into a ball. She slowly made her away around, kneeling on the floor and taking you all in. The biggest bruise covering your left eye, a cut above your eyebrow and a split lip. Tears started to spill out of her eyes as you cradled your face. You woke up to the sound of sniffling. Slowly opening your eyes to see Lex crying.

"Mi amor, I'm so sorry I didn't notice, that I didn't protect you."

"Lex, none of this is your fault. I'm okay, really. I'm going to stay here for a while. I'll be safe here."

You pulled her onto the bed and cuddled into her. She continued to apologise and you continued to tell her to stop. The night settled. You kicked alexia out of your room before it got too late, wanting to stick to Eli's rules and remain respectful.

The following morning, Lex headed off to training, Eli took you and Alba in the car. Dropping Alba at school and then taking you to the training ground to talk to everyone. It went fine. They understood that you needed time. They allowed you to remain in the gym after being looked at by the doctors. Once everyone saw you, and saw your face they flocked to you. Asking a thousand questions and making sure you were okay.

You missed a few games, it bothered you. Alexia and her family continued to support you.
Lex continued to be a force on the field. Making the senior team for Spain for the euros. It would be held over your birthday, but you didn't care. You got to see the girl you loved, playing the sport that bought you together.

It would all be okay in the end.

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