Chapter 29

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"Propose? you were hiding an engagement ring?"

"Yes. Usually when people propose they have a ring ready."

"No. Ana -"

"Nope it's ok. Forget about it. I'm going to go. I'll get my stuff from the apartment at a later time."

Before I even had a chance to reply, she was gone. Ana had ran away. Leaving me standing there with the stupid box containing the engagement ring I bought for her. I stood still for a couple of seconds. Did she break up with me? What does she mean she'll come get her stuff from the apartment? I needed to find out quickly.

When I entered the villa, J and Ronnie were standing there. Both confused looks on their faces and then I heard a door slam. They must of asked what happened.

"Ale? What's going on?"

"I don't know? We went to the lookout and I said she was acting weird and asked if she was planning on breaking up with me and then she said she was going to propose and then I was about to say I was going to propose and the furthest I got was 'No Ana' and then she cut me off saying she would get her stuff from the apartment at a later time. I do understand what is happening!"

"Oh Ale. She heard the word no and panicked. I had convinced her that it was the best idea and that YOU weren't going to break up with her."

The conversation was halted when Ana came back down the stairs. Stopping for a split second and looking at all of us. In the 5 minutes that she was up there, she became a shell of the person I loved. Her eyes were red and puffy but also looked dead. There was no sparkle.

"Ana, Bebe please don't go. This is a misunderstanding" No use. She was gone. More tears rushed down my cheeks, breathing became harder and all I wanted was your arms wrapped around me. I was starting to hyperventilate. How did this get so fucked up so quickly? Before I even had a chance to gather my thoughts, Ronnie, Mapi and J were forcing me into an Uber. Trying to race to the airport before Ana could get on a flight. I needed to fix this, I didn't want anyone else. Ever. Ana was it for me, I can't imagine my life without her. Her stupid morning routine of waking up, having coffee and then going back to bed. Or the way she takes 45 minutes in the shower, the way she buys new flowers every Sunday. Or the way she loves so fiercely. She is my family. Now and forever.


I made my way as quickly as I could to the counter to get a ticket out of here.

"Hi, are there any flights to Barcelona still available?"

"Hello, unfortunately no. There's only one flight out this evening and it's fully booked."

"Um how about to Madrid? or literally anywhere in Spain?"

"From the looks of it they are all completely sold out. I'm very sorry. There is a flight tomorrow morning at 8am to Madrid. Does that work?"

"Yes yes. That's good enough."

Flight booked. Corner found. Time to hide. All I knew was Alexia. I have never been with someone else in any way. First kiss? Alexia. First date? Alexia. First person to have sex with, Alexia. Alexia was the answer to everything. How would life look without her? I'd obviously move out of the apartment but she's still Ronnie's friend too. Training and games would be hard. Maybe I can transfer? My contract has 2 seasons left.

Something inside of me broke. I felt it. Everything that had happened the in past few weeks has broken me. My relationship being outed without my permission, my only brother going MIA, covid, apparently breaking up with my girlfriend. without realising it, a panic attack was upon me. I couldn't breathe, my vision was blurry, my throat felt like it was closing.

"Mi amor? Can you hear me?" Alexia's panicked voice rang through my ears. I couldn't speak, only managing to nod my head.

"Focus on my voice mi amor. Just listen ok, I didn't mean to start the conversation with "no". I was going to propose to you. I wanted to do it first but then I thought you were breaking up with me but I didn't realise you thought I was breaking up with you. I don't want to do life with anyone else. You're the only person I want to be with. You're my person mi amor. Please look at me."

Lex had moved my hand onto her chest, forcing me to calm down and focus on her and my breathing. Looking into her sad , red eyes made me cry even more. Everything is fucked up.

"I want you to come back to the villa. If you really want to leave then I'll bring you back in the morning okay. Jenni said your flight was at 9. I'll bring you back but please I need to come with me."

"Okay" was all I waa able to get out. All of a sudden, J and Ronnie were pulling me up. Jenni grabbed my large suitcase, Ronnie with my carry on, Alexia wrapped her arm around my shoulder, holding me up and we walked out to the Ubers. I don't remember the Uber ride but to the villa, I don't remember anything anyone said to me, I do remember Ronnie carrying me into her room and staying with me until I fell asleep.

"Why did this happen? Did I not show her I loved her enough?"

The last bit of control I had was gone. Why was everything becoming so hard. What was wrong with me.

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