「 ✦ Come back to me, please ✦ 」

Start from the beginning

Bianca lowered her gaze on the table, swallowing harshly the last piece of her croissant. Florence was right. It should be normal for a couple to make love, but she didn't feel enough for Emma. There had already been a few occasions to let herself go in her lover's arms, but her insecurities blocked her. She was also afraid that maybe Emma was disappointed by the fact that she didn't feel ready for it yet. The actress deserved a better person than her.

"Hey," the brunette softly whispered, completely changing her behaviour into a rather gentler one. She delicately brushed her fingers over Bianca's hand, knowing that something was bothering her best friend. "What's the problem, Bia?"

She slightly shook her head, feeling her cheek becoming red due to the embarrassment.

"Has anything happened with Emma?" Florence hypothesized. "If she has done something to you, you just need to tell me a word, and she will have to deal with me."

That made Bianca snigger lightly. She loved this protective side of Florence, but she would never confess it. "No, no, everything's alright with her. We are good."

"But you are not fine," the older girl observed. "I can see it in your eyes."

"Have you become a mind reader, Miss Wilson?" Bianca joked to avoid answering Florence's question.

But the taller girl gave her a glare. "Bia," she said, "open up with me. You know I won't judge you no matter whatever you say."

The younger girl nervously bit her bottom lip, fidgeting with her hands under the table. Florence was the right person to talk to about it. She knew everything about her, and maybe, given her experience, she was able to share with her some useful advices. "It's just... I-I might have a small problem with all this sex thing."

She expected Florence to burst out laughing at her admission, but she looked at her blankly, as if she hadn't just said that she had an issue with sleeping with a person.

"What scares you about it?"

Hmm... everything? Was that a possible answer?

"I don't know precisely," Bianca replied, unsure. "But mainly, I'm afraid of not being enough for Emma. You know, physically, I'm not perfect."

"Who is perfect, Bia?" The taller girl smiled. "You don't have to be perfect to be loved by Emma, honey. I saw the way she looks at you, and believe me if I tell you that I'd pay gold to have someone like her in my life. She looks at you like you're the only thing in the world, Bia, and it won't be the fact that you may have some fisical flaws that will make her change her mind about you."

"With that being said, I absolutely don't want to force you into doing something you're not ready to," the brunette went on. "I would never. But talk to her about how you are feeling, Bia. I'm sure she will listen to you for as long as you need to. Don't push her away for this issue. You two share something greater than the majority of people in the universe can say to have experienced once in their life. So don't throw it away for this."

Bianca, in that moment, spotted her beautiful girlfriend sat at a table in front of her. She was chatting with her Dan, Bonnie and a girl she didn't know. She looked absolutely breathtaking. Bianca's eyes softened at her sight, smiling softly at Emma. It didn't take long before the actress noticed her, and when she did, she offered Bianca her brightest smile. Florence was right when she said that they share something extraordinary, cause Bianca would sacrifice the world for Emma. She loved her with every fibre of herself, and she couldn't let her go just because she was afraid to talk to her.

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