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"The match had started. It was really an interesting match, but there were no goals, although both sides had very good chances and many of them.

"Who do you think is the most beautiful of the Barcelona players?" Bruna asked Gabriela.

"I honestly don't know. I watch how they play," Gabriela answered.

"Everyone plays well, to be honest, I look more at the face," Bruna said. Gabriela just smiled.

Gabriela watched Jude play and he really played well, but somehow it seemed like they defended him well. He couldn't get to the ball at all.

The match was almost over, but the referee added another 5 minutes to the game. Most of the fans were already heading for the exit. It looked like it would be tied at the end. But Real Madrid had an attack, possibly the last of the match. Jude kicked the ball... and ... and ... Ter Stegen saves. The entire stadium rose to its feet. Both Barcelona fans and Real Madrid fans. Ter Stegen shot the ball forward. There were only two Real Madrid defenders and one Barcelona player up front in the attack. They were all on their feet, the atmosphere was very tense, even those who headed for the exit turned back. The Barcelona player fired the ball at the goal, the ball flew between the Real Madrid defenders. The goalkeeper of Real Madrid was well positioned, he could defend this attempt to score a goal. But it didn't, the ball was too strong. The ball went in the goal.

The whole stadium fell silent for one millisecond, and then there was a huge celebration, yelling and cheering. The song of the Barcelona fans echoed through the stadium. Bruna hugged Gabriela and started jumping. Although she claimed that she was not interested in football, she was very happy. There was no more time for Real Madrid to equalize, that meant they would lose. Gabriela was very sorry to see Jude so sad. It looked like he was blaming himself, even though it wasn't his fault at all. Gabriela was able to see his reaction because most of the Real Madrid players ran to their goal in an attempt to save the situation, but there was no escape. Gabriela and Bruna had seats right behind the corner flag, so they were able to see everything. The Barcelona player who scored the goal ran up and pointed his finger in their direction. This probably meant that he showed that he scored this goal for the fans. That was kind of nice, but of course Gabriela felt very sorry for Jude.

As Gabriela thought would happen, Real Madrid lost. All the Real Madrid players looked sad. They gave their all today and lost again. Gabriela knew that feeling very well, the worst possible feeling.

Gabriela and Bruna stayed a few more minutes at the stadium, Bruna wanted to watch the players a little more. The players celebrated the victory with the fans. They looked really happy, if nothing else at least someone was happy. Two players walked towards them. Gabriela recognized one of them, that's the one who scored the goal. Another pushed him forward. Gabriela was really interested in what they were doing.

"This player who scored the goal is João Félix, and the other one is João Cancelo. They are Portuguese. Both are on loan, but everyone hopes to stay in Barcelona," Bruna explained who the two are.

"They both play well," Gabriela answered. She didn't lie, both of them really played very well.

The one who scored the goal, João Félix, ran to them. He was carrying a jersey in his hand. He was pointing at someone.

"Girl I think he's pointing at you," Bruna said.

"Not possible!" Gabriela answered. He passed the jersey to her. She was left in shock. He said something, but she couldn't hear over the noise of the fans. Everyone celebrated, yelled and cheered, and some even patted Gabriela on the shoulder, she guessed they congratulated her on getting the jersey. She was grateful for that, but she really couldn't understand why her. Out of all these fans, she was the one who doesn't support Barcelona at all. He showed the call sign, Gabriela didn't understand that at all. She turned the jersey over to take a closer look and it had a cell phone number written on it. Is it possible that he gave her his cell phone number? Bruna was in a huge shock, she took the jersey out of Gabriela's hands and rolled it up, then put it in her bag.

"Oh my God I can't believe it, you lucky girl. But you can't lift the jersey up so high, someone might see what's written on the jersey," Bruna said. She was absolutely right. Gabriela could expose the number. She didn't really think about it, but it's good that Bruna was there.

"You're right, I can't believe I didn't think of that," Gabriela said.

The girls headed for the exit. It was already late. They had training tomorrow. Only they both couldn't wait to get to the apartment.

But when they got to the apartment, Bruna went to take a shower, and Gabriela stayed in the living room. She decided to call Trent. Trent answered.
"Hiii, what's up?"; Gabriela greeted Trent.
"Nothing new, everything as before. How are you? How was the match?"; Trent asked.
"We had a lot of fun. The game was good, but Real Madrid lost."; Gabriel answered.
"That's what I like to hear."; Trent said.
"Don't be rude, Jude plays for Real Madrid."; Gabriela said.
"That's his only flaw."; Trent answered. Trent is not the biggest fan of Real Madrid and everyone already knew that. Gabriela thought about whether to tell Trent about the jersey, but decided that this information was not that important. So she withheld that information.
"I'm sorry, but I have to go now, I agreed with some teammates to go out tonight. But I'll talk to you tomorrow."; Trent said.
"Have a nice time and see you later."; Gabriela said goodbye and hung up. Although Gabriela always smiles during the call with Trent, every time she ends the call, that smile falls. She really missed Trent.

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