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Bruna showed Gabriela around. She showed her where to drink the best coffee, where to buy the best breakfast and all other important places. Gabriela was happy to have found a new friend, but she missed her old teammates. However, she missed Charlotte the most.

When Gabriela came back to the apartment, she wanted to call Trent, but the call came from someone else.

"I am offended in many different ways."; said the voice on the other end.
"Hello to you too Jude."; Gabriela greeted him.
"I can't believe you went to Spain without telling me."
"Oh, that, I'm sorry Jude, there was no time and too many things were just happening."
"I was able to somehow get over that, but the fact that you are now playing for Barcelona hit me."
"Oh my God Jude, I didn't even think about that."
"But that's not why I'm calling you. I'm calling to congratulate you and wish you the best of luck in your new adventure. I know you'll be the best there. We all believe in you."
"Hey Jude, you scared me a lot, I thought you were really mad at me."
"I couldn't be mad at you for thinking about your future."
"Thank you Jude, that means a lot."
"So, how do you like it in Spain?"
"It's beautiful. I walked around the city a bit and Barcelona is really beautiful. I'm very excited for tomorrow's training, do you have any tips?"
"You'll probably have problems with the language at first, but it's not too big of a problem, you'll manage, I don't doubt you. I don't know what to tell you, try to find some friends and enjoy yourself."
"Thank you Jude, I hope everything goes well."
"Of course everything will, don't worry."
"I promised Trent I'd call him tonight, so I'm going to call him now, and we'll talk tomorrow."
"Goodbye, good night and good luck tomorrow."
"Thanks Jude, see you soon!"

After Gabriela hung up on Jude, she received another call, but this time it was from Charlotte.

"Hi girl, how are you? Have you settled in nicely?"; Charlotte asked.
"Everything is going great. I found a friend. Her name is Bruna and she also plays for Barcelona."; Gabriela answered.
"I'm so glad to hear that, but I hope you won't forget us."
"Of course I won't, Charlotte you know that Liverpool has a special place in my heart, and you especially."
"Aww, that's great to hear. Tomorrow is an important day for you, isn't it?"
"Yes, tomorrow is my first practice."
"I honestly can't believe we're this far apart. But I'm so happy for you."
"I already miss you all so much. You, Antonella, Trent and of course the whole team."
"We all miss you too. You can really feel the emptiness. But this is good for you and we all understand that."
"Right now I have to think about doing my best to succeed here."
"We all believe in you."
"Thank you my love!"
"Tomorrow is a very important day for you and you must rest. Good night and see you tomorrow."
"You will be the first to let me know how the training went."
"I know I will. I love you."
"I love you too!"

It was really time for Gabriela to call Trent, she would have done that, but she got a call from Antonella.It was as if the universe didn't want Gabriela to call Trent. It wasn't even strange that everyone wanted to hear her, but she really wanted to hear Trenata

"Hello sis, how are you?" Antonella greeted her sister.
"I am fine, I rest a little."
"Honestly, I'm a bit jealous. You're over there in Barcelona, ​​and I'm here."
"I miss you too."
"Of course you miss me, it's hard without such a perfect person like me."
"Did you call me just to brag about how good you are."
"Of course not, I called to see how you are there."
"I'm fine, I've settled in nicely. I've even found a friend."
"I'm very glad to hear that. I miss you a bit. There's no one to bother me on the couch. It's kind of empty when I walk into the living room."
"You'll get used to it, but not too much, because I might be back in a month."
"Although I would really like it, I am sure that you will show them that you are the best. And when you show them how good you are, they will want to leave you in Barcelona."
"But what if I want to go back to Liverpool?"
"Then I'll send you back to Barcelona myself. Are you crazy? This is your chance of a lifetime. By the way, if you come back to the house, how am I going to brag around that my sister lives in Barcelona?"
"Always the same Antonella, we always think of ourselves."
"That's why you love me so much."
"Of course I love you, don't ever forget that."

Gabriela likes to talk to Antonella. Antonella always brings a smile to her face. She cries, laughs and shares the best moments with Antonella. She didn't even realize how much she would miss her home until that call. She will miss Antonella very much, their conversations and socializing. Gabriela was so comfortable talking to Antonella that she lost track of time. It's already been two hours, and she didn't even understand. It was already very late. Gabriela said goodbye to Antonella and wanted to call Trent.

Gabriela called Trent, but he didn't answer her. He's probably already asleep. That was the only explanation. Trent is a person who does not go out much, he is always at home and goes to bed relatively early. Gabriela was very sorry that she didn't answer him. She really wanted to hear him again before she went to sleep. She really needed his message of support for tomorrow. She left him a message though.
'I am very sorry for calling you so late. That was definitely not my intention. I didn't forget, I promise, but they all called me at once, as if they had agreed. I really wanted to hear from you, but it looks like that will have to wait until tomorrow. I can't wait to hear from you tomorrow. Yours Gabriela♥️'

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