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Gabriela came home and the first thing she did was fall into her sister's arms.

She cried and told her sister what happened.If she could, she would turn back time, but it was already over, the damage was done.

"Trent's just a little pissed off and honestly he'll get over it." Antonella tried to comfort her sister.
"You didn't see him Nella, he was so disappointed, he was disappointed in me. Worst of all he has a right to be angry."
"It's not your fault. Trent came off as so selfish."
"I came off as selfish! This has been our dream since we were little."
"Gabriela, was it your dream or his dream? Trent always wanted to play for Liverpool. Liverpool is HIS dream. You don't have to follow his path, you can make your own."
"But Trent . . ."
"He's not that important. Gabriela, you care too much about others, you should take care of yourself more. If Trent really loves you as much as he claims, he'll come to your games even to the end of the world."
"Maybe you're right."
"Of course I'm right, I'm always right. By the way, you don't need to cry now, you need to get ready for the game in Barcelona."
"You know I'm going to miss you too."
"Of course you'll miss me, I'm the best."
Gabriela hugged her sister tightly. Antonella was always there for Gabriela. But Gabriela was always there for Antonella too.

Antonella was right Gabriela didn't have time to worry about Trent. She decided to talk to him later. But the mere thought of not seeing him before leaving made her sad. As if the fact that they might not see each other for a month wasn't enough, they wouldn't even see each other before she left. Of course Gabriela didn't want to be in that situation, but what could she do in that situation anyway?

Parting with the rest of the team was also sad and painful for Gabriela. She literally grew up with that club. It was the hardest thing for her to part with Charlotte, but she knew it was the best this way. It was also difficult for her to part with the coach. The coach was very proud of her, he always believed in her and pushed her to the end.

The time has come. Gabriela still hasn't heard from Trent. She was very upset and it was quite visible. This was the first time Trent wouldn't take her to the airport. This time Antonella was driving her. She was happy about that, but deep in her heart she wanted Trent to be by her side at that moment. She thought Trent would always be by her side, but it seems she was wrong. She kept checking her cell phone, hoping to get a message or a call from him. But that didn't happen.

During that time, Trent did not even know that Gabriela was flying to Barcelona that day. He thought she was traveling next week. He realized that he was wrong only after he received a call that he did not expect.
"I'm just calling to ask if it's at all possible for you to stop by my house when you go to the airport? I have something for Gabriela." a female voice asked.
"What do you mean Charlotte?"; Trent asked confused.
"I'd like it to be a surprise for Gabriela, so if you can make it anyway. Although I can see for myself that you're a little short on time."
"Gabriela flying today?"
"Yeah, well...wait, aren't you driving her?"
"No, we had a fight and haven't heard from each other since. I thought she wasn't leaving until next week."
"How did you fight, about what?"
"I don't have time to explain to you Charlotte. I have a plane to catch."; Trent said after which he hung up. He quickly grabbed his jacket and car keys and ran outside. He didn't think at all, he had to get to the airport. He had to see Gabriela one more time. That was the only thing on his mind, only her. He wasn't angry anymore, he just wanted to make things right between them. He couldn't let Gabriela fly to Spain while they were still fighting. When he cooled down, he realized that he had made a mistake and decided to apologize. He thought he had time to apologize, but he was wrong again.

He ran to the airport like there was no tomorrow. He looked around, hoping to find Gabriela. He couldn't see her anywhere, there were too many people. He had already lost all hope, but then he saw Antonella. He ran to her.
"Antonella where is your sister?"
"Trent...what are you doing here?"
"Antonella I don't have time, please tell me where Gabriela is."
"First of all, I have no idea what you're doing here, and secondly, you can't act like a jerk and then expect to see my sister like nothing happened."
"You're absolutely right Antonella, but please tell me where Gabriela is. I have to say goodbye to her, I'll never forgive myself if I don't say sorry to her."
"Do you really think so?"
"Gabriela is the most important person on this planet to me. I turned out to be a bad friend, but the very thought that we won't see each other every day destroyed me. If this is what Gabriela wants, then I support her and I'm happy for her. I have to apologize to her until she is too late."
"Oh my God Trent, I'm so sorry. The plane just took off. You're late." Antonella said with a sad face, she really felt sorry for Trent.
"No, no, no, no. What did I do?", Trent grabbed his head and began to walk nervously.
"Maybe you should text her or call her. You need to apologize to her Trent, you're both suffering like this." Antonella proposed the only logical solution.
"I know, but will she listen to me?"
"Of course she wants to, you know Gabi, she can't live long without the two of us. But just so you know you hurt her a lot."
"I know and I will never forgive myself for that."
"Best to call her tonight when she settles down."
"I'll do it, thanks Antonella, for everything."
"That's what friends are for... But you really turned out to be a jerk."
"...I know..."

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