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"'Gabi, do you want to have lunch with me after your lectures?'; should I write that?" Trent asked his friend Jude as they left the locker room.
"Why not? But don't call her Gabi, she hates it, it annoys her." Jude answered.
"But don't bother her when I call her that. I know she keeps telling me not to call her that, but I have a feeling she secretly likes it." Trent said looking at his cell phone. Jude gave him the side eye. Gabriela hates when someone calls her nicknames, and Trent does it persistently.
"How long have you had that wallpaper on your phone?"; Jude asked looking at the time on his friend's cell phone.
"Two years already. Gabriela and I took a picture on the bridge of love, I think that's when I realized that I like her."; Trent replied looking at the photo with a smile on his face.
"I can't believe you haven't told her you like her yet, dude you have to do something, before it's too late." Jude said patting his friend on the shoulder.
"I'm waiting for the perfect time."; Trent said moving away from Jude.
"Or are you afraid of ruining your friendship with Gabriela?"; Jude asked. Trent didn't say anything. He remained silent, knowing deep down that his friend was right. Is he, Trent Alexander-Arnold, afraid of something? Impossible. But again, the thought of losing such an important person as Gabriela made the heart of this young soccer player grow. Trent could never get over losing Gabriela. She is everything to him, was everything to him and remains the most important person in his life.

"Whatever."; Trent shook his hand. Jude jumped up hugging his grumpy friend.
"Man, I only wish you the best. But if you don't hurry, you'll be really late."; Jude tried to warn his friend.
"Don't play psychiatrist. It's not like you know I'm going to be late."; Trent said pulling out of his friend's tight hug.
"Actually I know, because Gabriela's lectures end in fifteen minutes, so you better hurry."; Jude said with a shrug.
"Shit, man, I forgot about that."; Trent began to quickly search through his contacts. He couldn't find Gabriel's contact at all and almost accidentally sent a message to Gabriel Jesus.

Jude tried to hold back his laughter, but he couldn't. He started to laugh out loud.
"Shut up maniac is not funny, I'm here fighting for my life."; Trent told him with a serious face looking through his contacts for the number of the girl who is so important to him.
"I'm sorry, but I can't, you're so funny that a stone would start laughing."; Jude tried to defend himself.
"Ah, here it is, I wrote a message."; Trent said with a big smile after he finally succeeded.
"Well done, good job, very good job!" Jude laughed at him.
"She said she wanted to go out and grab some food with me."; Trent said all happy, like a little kid when he gets candy.
"Great man, so where are we going?"; Jude asked.
"We, who?"; Trent looked at him a little strangely.
"You, me and Gabriela."; Jude replied not understanding what was happening.
"I think you messed up the pots, my friend, you're going to the hotel to rest, and Gabriela and I are going to eat together."; Trent explained. And Jude made a surprised face. How could a friend betray him like that. The friendly match against Brazil is in three days, that's why Jude came to England and Trent is now sending him to the hotel.
"Just so you know this I will never forgive you." Jude said pretending to be hurt. Of course he wasn't angry with his friend, he knew how important Gabriela was to Trent. And he wanted to spend some time with his own girlfriend as well. This was an excellent opportunity for Jude to take Antonella out and he decided to take the opportunity.

"I'm sorry, but I have to do something tonight."; Trent tried to apologize, but Jude just put a hand on his shoulder and nodded.
"Everything's great man, good luck tonight and let me know how it went when you get home."; Jude said to his friend with a smile.
"Do you want me to call you a taxi?"; Trent asked.
"Don't worry about me, I'll manage. HURRY UP, YOU'RE ALREADY LATE!"; Jude said pushing his friend towards the exit. Trent said a quick goodbye and ran for the exit.

Trent was getting quite nervous as he realized he was running late. However, he got lucky and arrived right on time.
"Trent, I have so much to tell you."; Gabriela said getting into the car.
"Great to see you too Gabi."; Trent said smiling at his best friend. Trent could stare at Gabriela for hours. She recounted her day as Trent listened. Gabriela is like that, she's always been like that. Full of energy and good vibes. Trent adored her company, even though he was always much quieter and more reserved than her. Listening to Gabriela is Trent's favorite hobby

"And that's about the end of my day."; Gabriela told Trent about her whole day.
"I'm glad you had a good day."; Trent smiled.
"Ok, enough about me, how did you spend your day?"; Gabriela asked Trent who was concentrating on driving but also listening to Gabriela.
"We had a training session and so on. I think I did a pretty good training session. But honestly, I'm a bit tired."; Trent answered Gabriela's question.
"I trained this morning and then went to a lecture, next week we have a match in Germany, so we had to train even more than usual."; Gabriela told how her training went. Trent listened to her voice as he parked in front of the restaurant.

"To tell you the truth, I couldn't wait to get here."; Trent said opening the door.
"I'm pretty hungry too. And anyway, I love spending time with you."; Gabriela said getting out of the car. The last sentence brought a smile to Trent's face.

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