Unexpected moments

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The morning sun streamed through the blinds, casting a warm glow over Bowie's chaotic bedroom. Clothes were strewn everywhere, and the faint scent of last night's pizza lingered in the air.

I stood by Bowie's bed, contemplating the best way to wake her up. She was sprawled out, blankets twisted around her like a cocoon. With a sigh, I decided to go for the direct approach.

"Bowie, rise and shine!" I exclaimed, yanking the blankets away in one swift motion.

She jolted awake, her eyes wide with surprise as she scrambled to sit up. "What the—? Wren, what are you doing?" she sputtered, her hair sticking up in all directions.

"Morning, sleepyhead," I said, trying to suppress my laughter at her dishevelled appearance. "Time to face the day!"

Bowie groaned, burying her face in her hands. "Five more minutes," she mumbled, her voice muffled.

Determined to get her up, I reached out to give her a playful nudge. But as I leaned over the bed, Bowie suddenly sat up, causing me to lose my balance and tumble forward. In a desperate attempt to catch myself, my hands landed on either side of Bowie, leaving us in a rather compromising position.

For a moment, we both froze, our faces mere inches apart, eyes locked in a mixture of surprise and embarrassment. The room seemed to grow still around us, the only sound our synchronized heartbeats echoing in the silence.

Quickly pulling away, cheeks flushed with embarrassment, we both stammered out apologies, our laughter mingling nervously in the air.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to—" I began, my words tumbling over each other in my haste.

"It's okay, no harm done," Bowie reassured me, her voice slightly shaky as she rubbed the back of her neck.

After a bit more coaxing and a lot of grumbling from Bowie, we finally managed to get ourselves ready and headed out the door.

As we walked to school, the morning sun glaring down on us, Bowie's usual confident swagger was replaced by a comical shuffle as she attempted to wake up fully. Her attempts at humour fell flat, her sarcastic remarks coming out more like sleepy mutters.

Until a girl came up too us, well... Bowie. You look like you would be a great soccer player.

Bowie looked taken aback for a moment, her eyes widening in surprise. A smirk slowly spread across her face as she glanced my way, clearly amused by the unexpected turn of events.

"Well, what do you think?" the girl pressed, a hopeful look in her eyes.

Bowie leaned back against the lockers, crossing her arms casually. "Sure, why not?" she replied, her tone nonchalant. "Could be fun."

the girl skipped off, chattering excitedly to her friends, 

Bowie turned to me with a sly grin. "Looks like I've got some soccer skills to show off, Oh do you know that Juniper is going too be working on this year prom committee, she will be looking for help" she wiggles her eyebrows". 

"how did you find that out" I ask confused. Bowie just taps the side of her nose 

With a playful shove, Bowie redirected me towards the bulletin board plastered with colourful sign-up sheets for various school clubs and committees. "Go on, Wren. Time to expand those horizons," she teased, giving me a mock salute.

I shot her a mock glare, though the corners of my mouth turned up in a reluctant smile. "Alright, alright, I'm going," I said, rolling my eyes for emphasis.

As I approached the board, scanning the sheets for the prom committee, I couldn't help but feel a mix of apprehension and excitement. Bowie's presence, though often overwhelming, had a way of pushing me out of my comfort zone.

Finally spotting the sign-up sheet for the prom committee, I hesitated for a moment before jotting down my name. The prospect of working alongside Juniper 

was both thrilling and nerve-wracking.

Turning back to find Bowie leaning casually against a nearby locker, watching me with a knowing smirk. "All signed up?" she asked, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

I nodded, feeling a bit more confident. "Yeah, I did it. Happy now?"

"Absolutely," she replied

After the final bell, I made my way to the Soccer field, eager to see Bowie in action. At the try-outs the atmosphere was charged with excitement as students gathered around the field, their voices filling the air with anticipation.

I found a spot in the bleachers, my eyes scanning the field for any sign of Bowie. It didn't take long to spot her; she stood out from the crowd, her confident demeanour and striking appearance drawing everyone's attention.

As the try-outs began, Bowie's skill and agility were immediately apparent. She moved with grace and precision, effortlessly weaving past her opponents and scoring goals with ease. The crowd was captivated, their cheers and applause ringing out each time Bowie showcased her talent.

But what caught my attention the most was Bowie's playful flirtation with some of the other players. She had a way of charming everyone around her, her witty remarks and confident swagger making her the centre of attention.

I overheard a group of guys sitting next to me whispering excitedly about Bowie's performance. Their voices were filled with admiration as they discussed her skill and charisma, clearly impressed by her talent on the field.

"Man, did you see that move she pulled off?" one of them exclaimed, his eyes wide with awe. "She's got some serious skills!"

As the try-outs progressed, I noticed her scan the stands briefly before her eyes landed on me. A faint blush coloured her cheeks, a subtle sign of surprise and perhaps a hint of flustered delight. It seemed she hadn't expected me to be there, which made the moment all the more special.

 Bowie approached me after the try-out, her confident swagger was back in full force. "You were fantastic out there, Bowie," I said, shaking my head in amusement. "There's no way they won't pick you."

Bowie's smirk grew wider, her eyes gleaming with satisfaction. "Well, I do like to make an impression," she replied, her voice dripping with playful arrogance.

I couldn't help but notice the slight blush that coloured Bowie's cheeks, a rare display of vulnerability from someone so confident and assured. "thanks for erm, coming too watch me" "Of course," I replied, trying to ease her embarrassment. "I wanted to see how you'd do. And I wasn't disappointed."

Bowie's eyes softened, the playful glint replaced by a warmth that I rarely saw. "Thanks, Wren," she said, her voice carrying a sincerity that caught me off guard. "It means a lot to me that you were there."

We stood there for a moment, caught in an unspoken understanding. It was a simple moment, but it felt significant, like a small shift in the dynamic between us.

"lets go home" I smile 

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