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It was nearing 2 am when the infamous spider demon came through the doors of the hotel, looking like absolute shit. He hoped that someone was still awake watching tv, he especially wanted a certain cat to be up cleaning bottles and cups or whatever the fuck bartenders did. To his disappointment, nobody was around or stayed up to see if he was ok when he didn't return earlier in the night. Just another night in angels life.

As his heels clicked up the stairs, louder with each step the cat demon who tended to the bar that Vaggie protested against, only keeping it so Angel could have some sort of happiness at the hotel, popped his head out of his door which was right across the hall from the tall spiders room, along with just at the top of the stairs it took Angel oh so long to climb.

"Could you be any fucking louder? People are tryna sleep y'know??" Yelled Husk the cat demon.
"Oh husky you'll take any excuse to talk to me huh? I'll be in my room in two minutes you'll survive" Angel responded with a wink. Husk just let out a small growl and a tsk before hibernating back into his room.

As Angel closed his door, just a little louder than usual as a present for husk, a small demonic pig came running his way. Angel collapsed on his bed, finally letting all his emotions out where he starts crying, bawling, sobbing about how much he hated his job and his life. He held the only good thing in his hand, a small little pig that always had the perfect way of comforting Angel when he was sad, trying to run up his body to lick his face and make all the sad water go away!

Oh to be a simple pig with no worries.

Angel sat in his bed, staring at the wall, still letting his tears stream down his face,thinking about how for so long the only good thing in his life was fat nuggets, but now when he thinks of the most important thing another person came to mind. Taking away the thought of his best friend Cherri bomb. They never saw each other much since Angel moved to the hotel. In angels defence he has no other choice, it's rent free and crack is expensive. He didn't think of it in a best friend way when thinking about this other person tho, he thought of him in a way that made angels stomach warm and his mind fuzzy whenever they had a conversation. Fuckin' hell, he knew from the second he started smiling and had his tears come to an end when he thought of the cat across the hall he had a crush.

Suddenly Angel could hear foot steps creeping to his door, curious he sat up just to watch his door fly open.

"Hey legs I can hear your mental breakdown from my room. Think you could just, put it on pause or something till tomorrow so some of us can actually sleep?" Husker said, almost in a concerned tone like he didn't know how to ask if someone was ok, but wanted them to know he cared.

Angel considers himself quite good at reading people, especially husk, so the second he showed any sign of him caring was when he started to feel loved, even if it wasn't in the same way as Angel hoped. Angel picked up on the cat's weird way of showing affection and started his breakdown all over again just with the knowledge that husker cared, while the cat looked almost sad, closing the door. This is weird because the cat never showed any emotion except for being a grumpy old puss.
"Talk to me kid." Husk pulled a seat from Angels makeup table next to angels bed, infront of where the bug was sitting.

For a brief moment Angel and husk made eye contact, husks pupils dilating and angels crying becoming sniffles. Angel was the first to break the contact as he looked down, feeling husks hands move to his lap.

Angel was freaking out, he'd never seen husk ever let anyone touch him before, now he was offering to hold angels hands!?

"Heh, what pair do you want?" Angel asked as he let all 3 pairs of his arms out.

"You dumbass" husk growled with a small smile. Withought waiting for an answer, Angel placed his bottom pair of hands in husks, retracting his third pair of arms. They both had a moment where they looked anywhere but at each other, avoiding the elephant in the room, of why Angel was crying and he had a new found black eye.

"Val?" Husk asked? To which Angel just nodded.
"I tried to listen, I really did, but I was so tired! It took so long to get the scenes we wanted done because this stupid fucking dumbass kept messing up his line! By the end of it I was just so tired and really didn't want to film another movie, but Ofcourse Val didn't understand that getting fucked for 5 hours straight without a break by 4 people you don't even know, it can get a little tiring." Angel ranted, all cried out. "But I was so tired I couldn't really act that well, and Val wasn't too happy about that. Hence the black eye."

"No shit your crying legs, I'd be losing my shit, probably dead from trying to fight that bald bitch." Husk chuckled, trying to bring light to the situation.
"Listen man, if he immediately looks horrifying enough to be in your nightmares after he takes off his hat and shows the world his hideous shining purple head, he's not worth it." This sentence made Angel loose his shit, laughing so loud it could wake the entire hotel up.

"Shh kid shut the fuck up!" Husker whispered while yelling, resorting to shutting Angel up by holding his hand around his mouth. Which obviously made Angel shut up in 0.2 seconds due to his raging crush on husk. As the twos eyes got connected, sucking each other into a trance, husk immediately got red, but thanks to his dark fur you could barely tell when he blushed. Husk dropped his hand into his lap and stood up as fast as he could blink.

"Ok bye." The cat said as he basically booked it for the door, running to his room.

"What the fuck was that" Angel muttered

'I played that off pretty good' husk thought to himself as he walked to his room. Being fully aware of the feelings he had for Angel, trying his best not to make it obvious.

(1123 words)

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