Gar: "No no no it's not just a simple extermination job! T-that thing I-it's dangerous! I-it already killed so much!"

Y/n: "Alright just leave it to me. I'll get it done." I say walking towards the door.

Gar: "thank you!"

As I exit the house and move towards the woods I start to reminisce.

Y/n: "How long has it been since I first started doing quests?..."


Y/n: "I'll take this one." I said pointing towards a piece of paper resting on a bulletin board.

The old man simply laughed before stating.

Old man: "hahaha quite the eager one you are huh? Sorry but that's a A-rank quest. You can't take that just yet."

Y/n: "A-Rank?" I replied confused tilting my head.

???: "It basically means that you can't take it until your stronger." a man with light brown hair spoke up behind me.

Y/n: "Stronger... Okay." I state looking through the board once again.

???: "How about this one? It seems easy enough. Perfect for a new adventurer!"

Y/n: "Ah thank you..."

???: "Gildarts nice to meet you."

Y/n: "Umu Y/n."


Y/n: "I wonder how Gildarts is doing right now?..."


I quickly turn towards the rustling in the vegetation.

Y/n: "Whos there?"




Y/n: "If you don't answer I will assume that you are an enemy."


I hear the sound of rustling once again right before a spider the size of a cat jumped out towards me only for me to block with my rifle.


I couldn't do anything as I only looked at the wolf in front of me.

Y/n: "Hey... Down boy..." I say trying to get it to calm down.

It didn't work.

As it jumped towards me I was still frozen.

Y/n: I was only supposed to look for a lost cat so how did I get here...

I only looked on as the wolf got closer and closer only standing there accepting my fate.


I look up to notice the wolf in front of me having fallen with a red haired girl standing in front of me.

She was so cool.


I look around me various chains tiled from various trees with dead spiders impaled by them some with gunshots through them.

(A/n: What are your thoughts? I'm kinda surprised how well it turned out since it was a rushed sketch the chains look like shit though lol

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

(A/n: What are your thoughts? I'm kinda surprised how well it turned out since it was a rushed sketch the chains look like shit though lol.)

Y/n: "... Is that all?" I look around still in doubt that its over.

Y/n: It can't be... after all its a S-rank quest.




Y/n: "!!!" I quickly jump up on a chain just nearly avoiding the attack of a 20 ft tall spider that was behind me.

Y/n: "ah there it is..." I look down on the spider as hundreds of other spiders start to crawl out.

Taking a moment to think of a plan of action I start moving.

Jumping from chain to chain dodging the spider as they crawl up the trees.

I activate my magic creating chains to seclude the area off from the rest of the forest while shooting at the big spider as it jumps at me.

I stop after realizing that the spiders had made their way onto every tree in the area leaving me no where to go.

But luckily for me I had already finished the preparations.

I create another chain higher up quickly jumping towards it before taking out several bullets from my satchel.

Y/n: "I only have 2 left... Well might as well use them."

*3rd POV*

In the next several minutes two distinct gun shots can be heard as the chains disappear revealing a burnt down part of the forest with several burnt spider corpses laying around.

Y/n walks out talking to himself.

Y/n: "I need to get more magic bullets now... I wonder how everyone else is doing?"

Quest complete!


(A/n: Wooo prologue done. I am doing this solely off of spite for the stories with harems and too op Mcs. Just kidding! Kinda... like all those stories are good but I just really like the found family trope ya know so yeah that's why I'm writing this! Also I have not seen anything about fairy tail in a very long time so there will be lots of inconsistencies and stuff so PLS BARE WITH ME!)

(A/n: Also I was thinking of posting some videos on youtube like of my art and stuff and I was wondering if yall would be interested? (ps my art is still very bad and beginner level at most so pls don't bully me.))

Fairy Tail - Chains of a Liarحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن