EIGHT: Dragon fly

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Camila held a notebook in her arms, she had just drawn a dragon fly. She was proud because dragon flys were her favorite insect. She had been trying to draw one for weeks but failed each time. She had finally been impressed with her work and wanted to show it to her dad.

"Daddy! Daddy! Look!" Jim Madden was on the phone, a peice of paper on the table and a pen In his hand as the phone was against his ear by using his shoulder to keep it steady. He shushed her aggressively while writing down a phone number and an address on the paper.

Camila didn't feel like waiting. She didn't understand why the man wasn't excited to see whatever she had to show him like the teachers at school were. She kept jumping up and down while tapping his shoulder over and over again. "Daddy! Look I drew a picture!"

"I'm on the phone, Camila!" Jim shouted loudly. "I am so sorry about that Albert. Children nowadays" He said before shoving Camila out of the way.

Camila looked down at her drawing before throwing her drawing in the trash and running upstairs with tears in her eyes.

She sat on her bed, her knees to her chest and hid her face with her long hair that was filled with knots.

After ten minutes the door to the home opened. Lucas Madden entered with sweat covering his skin as his backpack hung on his shoulder lazingly while he held a water bottle in his hand. His hair was all sweaty as he set his backpack beside the door and walked into the kitchen. He set his water bottle on the counter before grabbing a water bottle from the fridge to refill it.

The trash can was beside the counter top. While he was refilling his water bottle, his eyes traveled to the drawing all crumbled up and wrinkly. Lucas set the empty plastic water bottle on the counter as he grabbed the drawing. He uncrumbled it and saw the purple dragon fly that had crayon streaks on it. He smiled softly.

"Did Camila draw this?" He asked his father, holding the paper in his hand.

"I don't fucking know. I'm on the phone" Jim said, shaking his head annoyingly.

Lucas rolled his eyes as he put the cap on his water bottle before putting the plastic one in the recycling before making his way upstairs.

Camila's door was closed and the light was off. It was three P.M so it was highly unlikely for her to be asleep. He opened the door and saw her sitting on her bed in silence. "Hey. Why'd you throw this away?" He asked.

"Because it's awful." Camila replied, her voice low and scratchy.

Lucas sighed loudly before closing the door and turning on the light. "Hey, who told you it was awful"

"He didn't say it was awful but he clearly wasn't interested. And who would be? Who'd be interested in disgusted drawing?" Camila asked, shaking her head as she looked up to meet Lucas's eyes, her eyes glossy.

Lucas sighed. "He's a shitty dad, Camila. This is beautiful. Hey, look at me" He leaned down to reach her height. "This is a beautiful drawing. I love it"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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