30. Winter

543 39 2

Freen Sarocha

I prepared myself to see Becky, by buying a new dress. Not that I was trying to impress her or anything.

Oh, who am I kidding, of course, I was trying to impress her. And this gorgeous red dress ought to do it. I looked at myself in the mirror and tried to guess what Becky would think. Would she like the black heels? Would she like the earrings?

'Legs' I muttered while letting my hand glide over my legs. Were they still smooth?


'Hair? I went on, turning around, trying to look at it from another angle. Didn't it look silly when you saw me from this side?

'Perfume? I suddenly remembered. I ran towards my bedroom and grabbed the bottle. I carefully sprayed it on my pressure points, not using too much. Perfect.

I winked at my reflection. Hmm...Odd. I always thought it looked good when I winked. At least, I always got good reactions off of it. But now it looked just silly.

I winked again. No... Hmm, maybe with the other eye. Another wink. Now flash a smile. Again. Wink. Smile. Didn't I look odd doing that? Wink again. Ah, better.

But still weird. Maybe Becky liked women who did weird winks. Let's hope so.

Time to roll, baby.

I stepped into my car, checked my watch for the last time and started the motor.

Luckily there wasn't too much traffic, so I let my mind wander off.

Becky never asked anything about the business cards or the pills.

Maybe she found out and wanted to confront me?

Why didn't she ask about the pills?

Maybe she didn't read the cards.

The pills did look normal, so they could have been anything.

I was ripped out of my daydreaming when I heard a long, penetrating car honk. I immediately focused my attention back on the road and saw that I had run a red light.

The driver who I had cut off was honking furiously and shaking his fist at me, making a crude hand motion. I apologetic raised my hand and quickly drove away, abandoning my thoughts and focusing on the road. A couple of minutes later I arrived at Becky's house and still a bit shaken I rang the doorbell. As soon as she opened the door, I screamed.


Becky flinched and took a step back. She had a weird look on her face.

'I got almost in a car accident, well, not almost, I just kind of zoned out. But the other car, he was honking like crazy, like THAT was even necessary.' I continued my rant, stepping inside her house and quickly kissing her on her cheek.

She still looked at me with big eyes. Guess I was being a bit overwhelming.

'He probably thought that he was in his right to honk, but honestly, the light probably JUST changed from yellow to red.'

Still a weird look on her face.

'I zoned out and I didn't see that the light was red and a guy in a car honked and then almost murdered me with his eyes.' I explained in a calmer tone, trying to get the message across that it wasn't my fault.

'Well, you should be happy that he at least stopped and didn't just run you over.' Becky said, her tone icy cold while she looked me dead in the eye.

'Hey, he didn't have to give me the middle finger.' I defended myself, finally noticing that there was something wrong with Becky.

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