9. Strategy

699 38 8

Freen Sarocha

Likes sarcasm. Cats. Despises the color indigo. Note: buy her flowers, preferably roses. Not lilies.

I looked at the short notes I made. When I came home last night, I decided to keep a notebook with some handy information about her, things she said, things she liked. That way I could remember it well, discuss it with Billy and it would be a great start for my professional report later on. 

Normally I made those after a week because I would already be done, and everything would be fresh in my memory. I got a feeling that this time would be different, that it would take me a whole lot more than a week to get her to open up.

"Can I read?" Billy asked, grabbing my tiny book. I quickly yanked it back, I was willing to consult with him, but I wasn't showing him my notes.

He huffed. "All right, fine. Talk to me. What do her tits look like". I slapped him with my notebook. "That's rude. Don't use that kind of language, it's degrading." I said, furrowing my eyebrows and shaking my head.

Billy just smirked, and held his hands before his chest, cupping them. "Were they firm? Did you have a good grip on them?" He went on, pretending like I never said anything.

"That's just crude. I'm not even going to answer that."

He made a puppy face. "I'm your best friend, give me a little detail. A tiny fantasy" he said with a childish voice, sticking out his lower lip, looking like an innocent child. But I knew him well enough. I flicked him on the nose.

"Not going to happen, buddy. Fantasize about someone else". I said, opening the newspaper and ignoring him. Not that was going to work. He yanked the newspaper out of my hands and pushed some blank papers in my direction.

"We need a strategy. You know, on how to seduce her. I am a master in seducing and pleasing women. Let me teach you everything I know. And when you get her in your bed, you can tell me all about it" he said, looking smug.

I sighed. This was going to feed his ego, but he was right. I was really out of my depth here and I needed some help. I couldn't screw this up.

"Okay, why not. That way you'll feel useful" I said, pretending like I didn't desperately need his advice. But he knew me well enough and saw right through me.

"Right, well, if you don't need my help, If you don't need my help, I won't bother you with it." He said, looking me right in the eye, daring me to lie.

I sighed again. "Fine, teach me, master" I said, doing a fake bow, rolling my eyes.

Billy told me about a couple of little things that weren't big changes for me but would be very beneficial. Holding the door open. Giving her a flower. Texting her good morning and good night. Stuff like that. But the best advice he gave me?

"Do the things you want guys to do for you. Woo her the same way you want to be wooed. Flirt with her like you want to be flirted with. Treat her how you want to be treated. She's a lady. Make her feel like a lady."

He was right. He actually kind of shocked me with his knowledge about wooing the ladies. I always thought it were his good looks and his charming smile that got him the girls, but it was his attitude. He had thought about it and overtime perfected his 'act'. He knew the little things that we loved. It was rather disturbing, now that I think about it.

"And when is it appropriate to kiss her?" I asked not wanting to spoil anything, Billy smirked and made kiss noises.

"Oh, some girl-on-girl action. Me want to watch." he said, making more kiss noises and laughing his butt off. He knew this topic made me uncomfortable and he enjoyed teasing me.

I sighed. He could be such a little child.

"So, when, where?" I asked thinking that on the first date in the bathroom wasn't the best time and place. I don't think she really minded, and it was already too late, but better to check it anyway.

Billy made his thinking face, looking up in the air, holding his chin and tapping git with his index finger. "Well, when you say goodbye on the first date. Then you can give her a small peck, nothing too heavy. Just letting her know that you had fun and that you are interested. For a full kiss, maybe wait a bit. Second or third date best somewhere to the end, somewhere private just make sure you know when you make up your mind. Make sure you know when you are going for it, and more importantly, make sure she knows it's going to happen. Nothing worse than a surprised woman who didn't see it coming."

"Aha" I said. Interesting intensely looking at the floor, thinking about our first kiss. It was definitely not a peck. I smiled thinking about the kiss and how I had felt so content.

Billy looked at me, squinting his eyes, "You sly devil, you already had your first kiss with her" he shouted, his mouth falling open. "Tell me about it! Where was it? How was it? Was she any good? Why didn't you tell me? Oh, did you get aroused?" I felt my cheeks go red. Did I get aroused? Yeah, unexpectedly, yes.


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