Chapter eighteen

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I promised to make Miso soup for master Eiji, Ringo and me but we missed some ingredients

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

I promised to make Miso soup for master Eiji, Ringo and me but we missed some ingredients.

Mizu and Taigen didn't wake up wich worried me.

I couldn't stop thinking as I was walking into town to buy food at the daily market.

It was busy when I arrived. Many people trying to sell off things but I just went to a stall that sells vegetables.
I gave the man my money and packed the food into my small bag so I wouldn't have to carry the vegetables loosely.

I turned around and walked away when a hand held my shoulder making me stop in my tracks.

I turned around and saw, Keiko.
My big sister.

I just stood there frozen, I couldn't move, it's been years.

Only when a tear rolled down my cheeks I noticed I startet tearing up. I wasted no time and hugged her.

"Oh Aoi, where have you been? I missed you so much."
She startet crying too and hugged me tighter.

"I missed you too, I always remembered you."

She wiped my tears away with her thumb.

"You are not my little baby anymore I see. Oh you've grown so much. We must get to Mai and Daichi!"
Said Keiko.

I just nodded but then remembered.
"What about Okaa-san and Otōu-san?"

"They are not home at the moment, they went into the nearby town trying to find a bride for Daichi."



We quickly made it home and I smelled food. Lurking inside I saw Daichi sitting at the table drinking tea and Mai cutting something.

Keiko just pushed me in making me stumble slightly.

My siblings looked up and let go of what they where holding.

Out of the two Mai was the first to move. She rushed and embraced me and it seemed like she didn't plan on letting me go.

Daichi joined the hug. I was home.

"I knew you wanted to run away but you could've written!" Said my sister in a slightly mad tone.

"I'm sorry."

"You don't even want to know how mad Okaa-san and Otōu-san where."

"Was it that bad?"

"Well they where yelling at us and if we knew anything and then they went to master Eiji to confront him and Mizu but he was gone too."

"Did they hurt any of you?"

"No they didn't don't worry." Said Keiko.

We talked for a long time and I saw it was already dawn.

"It's already late I need to go now. I'm sorry but it was nice to talk to you."

They all understood and hugged me tightly before I walked back to master Eiji.

I went inside but I didn't expect to see.......

I'm sorry I didn't upload another part for so long I just had very much stress with school, mental health and other stuff. But I'll try to upload more.

Fragile。/MizuxOCKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat