Chapter fourteen

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I watched Mizu tie Akemi up and give a knife to Ringo.

"You got a girl! A pretty girl!"

"She's not just any girl she is a princess she is Taigen's princess."

"If she screams kill her. If she moves kill her."

"I can't kill her!"

"What do you think an apprentice does?"

Ringo made a grumpy and stern looking face and Mizu walked outside. As soon as the door was shut Ringo looked friendly again.

"Will you stop staring?" Said the girl, Akemi.

Ringo apologised and went to me and took the bandage off to replace it with a knee one.

I felt Akemi stare at us, I didn't like her that much she seemed mean and ignorant.

"What happened to her?"

She asked in this harsh and arrogant manner.

"She got hit on the head pretty bad twice."

"Does it still bleed Ringo?"

"No but we should clean it. I'll go look for what we and a towel."

Ringo rushed out of the room leaving me with Akemi.

"You are very pretty." I told her and she smiled. Maybe she was kind at all.

"Is it true that you are a princess?"

"Why yes it is true."

"I wish I was a princess it must have been so nice. I mean you don't have to worry about anything right?"

"It's not as it seems but I didn't have to worry about that much. Still there are high expectations for me."

I frowned, I always thought the life of a princess was perfect.

"Why are you then?"

"I ran away from my marriage."

I looked surprised and said:" I was about to get married too or rather sold off to someone. But I ran away with Mizu."

"But you are so young."

"I don't know why my parents wanted to sell me off but I'm good where I am. I mean I have Mizu with me and Ringo."

"Ugh why are you even with Mizu?"

"Sh- He was my first friend, and he was like a brother I think."

Then Ringo came back and startet to wipe the blood of my face and hair. He then took a new bandage because the wound startet to bleed again while cleaning.

After a while Mizu came back and startet arguing with Akemi until he cut her free. That's when we heard yelling and we came down to see a man, a child and a army of soldiers.

The boy pointed at Mizu.

He ushered us all inside and I just heard Kaji say:"You killed us all."

We all sat in a basement and Ring volunteered to protect us. From all the waking and rushing I felt dizzy so I placed my hand onto Akemi's shoulder to steady myself.

"Are you ok?" She asked and I just nodded in response. What I didn't notice was that Akemi looked at Madame Kaji in worry.

"Sit down child you look sickly pale. You are not ok for sure."

Before I could even response my legs gave out and I sat on the floor.

It took me some minutes to feel better and when I stood up I quickly went out of the basement and stood next to Ringo and Akemi followed quickly.

Then someone broke the door open and I watched Akemi and Ringo fight them.

Right! I still have the dagger from Mizu.
I took it out and stabbed the man who was trying to slash at Ringo with his claws.

I quickly rushed upstairs to search for Mizu.

I saw Mizu badly wounded and she looked like she was half conscious and half unconscious.

"Mizu!" I rushed to her and hugged her tightly not caring about the blood that soaked my kimono.

When we all went outside soldiers on horses stopped in front of us and wanted to take Akemi.

"I am not going anywhere, right, Mizu?"

"Just take her."

They took Akemi and went away while I just heard Akemi call for us.

"What are you doing?" Said Ringo.

"I don't have time for friendship." He said to Ringo

"Or love." He turned to me.

"I'm on the path of revenge and I can't risk getting distracted."

"You are no samurai! A samurai is honourable."

"Mizu why are you saying this?" But she just turned away and walked off. I stood there shocked with Ringo by my side.

"Why Mizu? I've been through so much with you why do you leave me?!" I yelled.

Lol I don't know what to say so just wait for the next chapter or read it if it's already out

Fragile。/MizuxOCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora